Saturday morning Keith introduced Rio to the games on his iPhone. It was a big hit!
It was quite a bit colder Saturday than it was Friday. We forgot Oliver's hat so Keith and Shane went out to get hats for the boys. They searched high and low and finally found some on clearance for $2.
Even Grandpa was bundled up for our walk on the beach to meet the rest of the Garner gang who was in town.

Becky and I have been corresponding via email since we both got pregnant around the same time. Becky is married to my cousin Beau and we had only met once before. We got to know each other through email as we shared our experience of being pregnant together. She had Hazel in September '07 and we had Oliver the next month in October. She is also the one who introduced me to blogging! We were very exited to meet up again and introduce our little people. Here, Oliver and Hazel meet for the first time.
After a lunch with the whole group, we headed back to the condo so the kids could take naps.

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