Since the last football season, we have been saying that we need to take Oliver to a Broncos game this year. Our preference was pre-season when the weather was warmer. We also thought that maybe the tickets would be less expensive and the crowd would be lighter since people typically don't want to go to pre-season games. This was before Payton Manning came to town as our new quarter back. This was before the opening day tickets were going for MUCH more than face value. While at work one day, I heard of a colleague who has great season ticket seats and she sells them now and then. I happen to mention this to her on a Thursday prior to a Sunday game and she had that coming weekends game available. I texted Keith and without hesitation he said "yes!". That's all it took. Sunday, August 26th Keith and Oliver headed off into the horizon and the Sports Authority Stadium (Mile High) for the big game.

Oliver had his eyes on the prize as they entered the land of wonder, the stadium where the Mighty Broncos play. We took Oliver to a Broncos game when he was about 2 and didn't need his own seat. He clearly doesn't remember that glorious treat as we sat on the 50 yard line just a few rows up from the field. Since he has been old enough to comprehend that football exists and the Broncos are our home team, he has stared at the stadium in wonder every time we drive by it.
The Broncos colors were flying high in hopes of seeing Manning play and a pre-season win.
The boys got to the field early and in time to see the warm up and pre-game entertainment.
They were there early enough to gorge themselves on fresh squeezed lemonade as it was going to be in the 90's that day.
The two Hamilton Fans READY for SOME FOOTBALL!!
One of the pre-game highlights was Miles the Mascot and his Mini-Me.
This is the Bronco statue that Oliver points out every time we drive by the stadium. It is the statue that peaks his curiosity as to what's inside. He now knows as he was able to peer upon it from inside the stadium.
Watching football is serious business.
Drinking fresh squeezed lemonade on a hot day is serious business too.
It is very technical to learn the skill of keeping your eye on the game and your lips on the lemonade.
The greatest highlight of the pre-game show was the sky divers that landed right in the stadium.
You can see the sky diver's parachute right next to the right side of the goal post.
As the flag came on the field, Oliver helped sing the national anthem, one of the latest songs he is learning in school.
This picture is questionable. Since I wasn't there I had to get the summary from Keith so that I could write the blog post. He claims that he was testing the zoom so that he was ready for the game. One could argue that he was trying to take a picture of the player and missed because they were so far away. I would say that he was taking a picture of the cheerleaders back sides. At the very least he could have said it was for his son's benefit.
Finally, after all of that pomp and circumstance, it was time for the big game.
First up, Peyton Manning!!
Oliver LOVED being at the game with his Dad. An entire box of skittles were the icing on the cake.
The half-time show was a big hit. The mascots of teams around the area played a pee-wee football league. It was quite the show!
At one point, this poor guy took such a hit that he deflated and they had to bring in the resuscitation crew to... Pump. Him. Up!
For the rest of the season, the boys will enjoy the Broncos games in the comfort of their own home. Yes, that's the plan. Or... maybe that WAS the plan.
Oliver discovered that this was a pre-season game and somehow, he learned that these games did not count toward the BIG win. Therefore, these games were just practice. He has informed us that he would like to see a real game, preferably one where they win a trophy. I guess we'll be saving our pennies for the day the Broncos go to the BIG BIG GAME.