This past weekend, Keith's younger brother Jeff and his family came to see us from Weatherford, TX near Fort Worth. The best part was we finally got to meet William.
Here is Kellan and William meeting for the first time. Do you think they look a lot a like? They should. They were born on the exact same day, August 23, within 30 minutes of each other.
Friday night Kellan was cleaning up in the tub and I couldn't resist getting a few bathing baby pictures. Kellan doesn't stop moving. Even in the tub, he no longer sits in one place. At the first possible moment, he's on his belly swimming around.
After bath cuteness.
I just love these hot cross buns.
Oliver didn't wast anytime warming up to Uncle Jeff. He and Jeff shared a love for iPhone/iTouch video games.
Saturday morning the boys continued to get to know each other over some brightly colored toys.
Jeff getting a taste of what it would have been like to juggle twins.
Saturday morning we took the boys to the park to enjoy the sunny weather.
William took a ride in the swing for the first time. He LOVED it!
Oliver enjoyed the swing as well.
Oliver especially loved the swing when he had a target front and center.
At this point, Kellan was convinced a nap would have been more fun than swinging by himself. Although, he seemed to be willing to hold off on his nap for some swing time with Mom.
Boys will be boys...
Keith and Jeff enjoyed a game of tag around the playground.
Next thing we knew, Keith and Oliver were wrestling.
Back at the home front, Oliver and Uncle Jeff found themselves in a good iPhone/iTouch game.
Check out the similar facial expressions.
Saturday night, Keith and Jeff tackled some recipe's from Bobby Flay. If you have ever had food from Bobby Flay, you know it's AMAZING!
Our happy boy having something to eat.
I kept trying to get a picture of his two teeth. Finally, I just had to help him out.
Yes, he's biting my finger. You have to be careful, he's got some tough jaws.
The boys in action in the kitchen.
The next few photos are courtesy of Oliver.
Mommy with the Sweet Potato Risotto. YUMMMMM!!!
Kellan loved it as well.
With all of this excitement around dinner, Madalyn was wondering when she would get dinner too.
"I see you, Oliver."
On Sunday morning I got some snuggle time with our nephew William. He's such a sweet boy. I think I'm in love!
Uncle Jeff and Oliver discussing the dynamics of match box cars.
Sunday afternoon we got the boys outside for some fresh air.
Sunday night we went to Idaho Springs for Beau Joe's Pizza.
Warning, Crack Alert!
Group shot in Beau Joe's.
Oliver, Keith, Lindsey, William, Jeff, Kellan and Carrie
"Don't even think about taking my Cracker."
"Feed Me!!"
A bit blurry, but still happy.
Happy Boy
Kellan experienced his first Beau Joe's pizza crust. Like most of the food he tries, it was a big hit and he ate nearly the whole thing. I took the last part away from him as it was a choking hazard.
Daddy and Oliver with a honey toast.
It is tradition to eat the Beau Joe's crust with honey.
Mommy and Kellan having pizza time fun.
Oliver flashing the fountain.
Aunt Lindsey and our Nephew William.
Brothers and their Boys.
Jeff, William, Kellan and Keith.
Last year it was man bags, this year it's baby boys.
Keith and Jeff in Disneyland last year.

William, Jeff, Keith and Kellan
Monday morning, Kellan and William playing around.
Oliver joining in the fun.
They almost could pass as twins.
Monday morning we went for a hike at Mathews/Winters park near Red Rocks.
It always amazes me what details Oliver noticed. Right away, he saw this big beetle.
This wasn't Oliver's most energized hike so he wanted a ride from Mom.
Heading up the hill.
The Hamilton Family.
Jeff, Lindsey and William.
William and his Dad Jeff.
We stopped for a little rock climbing.
Another Hamilton family.
Carrie, Oliver, Keith and Kellan (looking the other way, of course).
Mr Blue Eyes, Kellan.
Lindsey, Jeff and William.
Keith and Kellan.
Eventually, Kellan fell asleep but it was for a very short time. The ride was a bit bumpy for his napping preferences.
Thanks to Jeff carrying Oliver on his shoulders up the mountain, we made it to the plateau on the top.
HUGE Thanks to Uncle Jeff for being the human pack mule for Oliver. We would have never made it this far without his reliable shoulders.
Kellan was ready to head back so Keith left for the trail head a bit earlier than we did. A nice hiker stopped and offered to take a group shot of Jeff, Lindsey, William, Oliver and Carrie.
Oliver and his Mommy.
After the hike we went to Morrison for lunch at the TNT cafe.
Kellan tried his first pickle and he LOVED it. It was nearly demolished by the time he was done with it.
Back at home and after naps, the boys changed into some summer attire that just happened to match. (of course we planned it that way)
Are they adorable or what?
Before too long, Kellan was out of there.
Kellan stopped mid-way on his travels for a smile. He is getting quick at moving from crawling on his belly to sitting on his bottom.
We see this look a lot, the curious "I'm gonna get you" look.
Monday morning, we put the boys in their last matching outfit. I know it's hard to read the shirts so let me help you out:
Start 'em Young
Raise 'em Right
With a CSU logo right in the middle.
Keith, Jeff and Brian are all graduated of CSU. Lindsey is a graduate of the rival school University of Wyoming and William already has a shirt from that school. We thought it was time he had one from each.
We had a great visit with Jeff, Lindsey and William. Thanks for coming to see us. We can't wait to see you again soon when we greet you with ALOHA!
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