For the past week, we have been vacationing in Southern California. Mostly in the San Diego area, but also some time in Anaheim and Santa Monica. The next several posts will capture the moments we had running from here to there and everywhere. We had a GREAT time and had wonderful hosts in the Hamiltons and Carpenters.
We flew in on Saturday and found San Diego socked in with clouds and rain. We were in hopes of sunshine and warm weather. Regardless, it was snowing in Denver, so rain and clouds didn't seem too bad. We made the most of it and wished we had packed more winter time clothes instead of summertime clothes. I'm starting to think that whoever coined the term "Sunny San Diego" should have been questioned. HA!
Sunday we hit the road for Anaheim in search of Mickey Mouse. First stop, Downtown Disney for dinner. We had a great dinner and Oliver got a dinosaur balloon character from a balloon artist at the restaurant. The trip was off to a great start.

Mom and Oliver walking into Disneyland.

Oliver at the gate, showing off his 1st visit button.
The train station at the entry way to Disneyland.

First ride, the Disneyland train.
Oliver's Aunt Lindsey and Uncle Jeff on the Disneyland train.
Dad, Mom and Oliver on the Disneyland train. Chuga Chuga CHOO CHOO!!!
Main Street Disneyland
Keith and his brother Jeff with their matching Man Bags.

Oliver at the gate, showing off his 1st visit button.

Keith's has diapers in it. What's Jeff's excuse? :)
Dad, Oliver and Aunt Lindsey weeding their way through the sea of people.
Look! Blue skies over "It's a Small World"

Oliver trying to decide what he thinks of "It's a Small World"
What gets better than a purple hippopotamus? Oliver doesn't think it can get much better.

Oliver saw this whale and we had to take the ride. It was a fairy tale ride and quite honestly, lame. It was a boat ride down a short river with miniature houses demonstrating different fairy tales. Oliver didn't even seem too thrilled after we went through the whale. Oh well, one bad ride isn't bad. 

Oliver asked for "More" on three rides; the Disneyland Train, It's a Small World and the Cars.

Oliver and Mom in the cars. Oliver LOVED this ride! Keith was right next to us in the left hand side passenger seat.
Strolling through Disneyland

Oliver, Lindsey and I took a break in the afternoon to let Oliver take a nap. Keith and Jeff stayed at the park to take advantage of some of the big kid rides. When we got back to the park, Mickey and Minnie Mouse were there greeting guests. It was PERFECT!! The line was short and Keith and Jeff were right around the corner. We all met up and met the Mouse couple. Oliver had been excited to meet Mickey Mouse for weeks. He said he was going to hug and pet him. Sure enough, he did. First he met Minnie and gave her nose a squeeze. Then he met Mickey and gave him a hug and pet. The day was officially complete.

Lindsey and Jeff with Minnie and Mickey
Oliver has become a HUGE fan of Mary Poppins. I might go so far to say that he has a little crush on her. As we walked back into Disneyland we spooted Mary Poppins and Bert at one of the cafe's. This line was even shorter with only two groups in front of us. Keith is not a fan of Mary Poppins at all, so we voted him out of the picture and said only fans could be in the picture. He wasn't heart broken at all and was more than happy to take the picture. Oliver was thrilled to meet Mary Poppins and talked about her for quite some time after that. He kept saying "I met Mary Poppins" in a dreamy voice. She talked to us for quite a while. Next time I'm going to ask for a song!
Having fun, waiting for the parade!
Miss Piggy and Kermit the Frog starting off the parade. Two of my childhood favorites.
Uncle Jeff and Oliver watching the parade

After the parade, Keith and Jeff went to ride a few of the big kid rides that they missed earlier in the day. Lindsey, Oliver and I went in search of goodies. First on Oliver's list, a Mickey Mouse sucker. Yum!
First on Aunt Lindsey's list, a Rice Krispy Treat. MMmm!
We didn't get any photos of the castle and Walt & Mickey in the daylight. Here they are at night time, bidding us all a good night.
On the top of Keith and Jeff's "must do" list, was to ride Splash Mountain. They saved the best for last and were able to ride it three times since most people were leaving the park. Keith was quick to point out to Jeff that his coat was water proof and Jeff's wasn't, snicker, snicker. Jeff has pictures that they take from the ride. Jeff - send them our way so I can post them here!

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