Every day we notice how Oliver is growing and changing. Just in the last week his single word phrases are turning into sentences, he is doing more "myself" and asking for "help" and he is expressing favorite characters like Pooh, Elmo, Little Einstein's and Handy Manny.
Saturday, I took note of a few actions that Oliver repeats every day that make me realize that our little boy isn't so little any more. We're not the only one noticing, we were notified that with Oliver's second birthday approaching, he is moving into the Early Pre-School class on November 2. Wow! Time sure has flown since the days in the Infant Room.
Actions of Note: He holds his own drink with "two hands". No sippy cup required. (even though we do use them for the traveling beverage)

He practices good manners like using a napkin at meal time. (not that he gets all of the ketchup off of his chin, but he does get an A for effort)

He shares with others (sometimes) and wipes their chin too

He eats a corn dog all on his own, not cutting necessary. He even ate the crunchy stuff off the stick. Yup, he's my kid!! I LOVE the crunchy part... and a good corn dog! YUM!
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