This past weekend, Keith's parents came to town for Uncle Jim's 70th birthday surprise party. We packed in a lot of fun into a few days. Saturday morning we kicked off the weekend with 9 holes of golf. Our baby sitter was unavailable so we decided that it was time to introduce Oliver to the golf course. He had a great time and did very well. The first 6 holes were a piece of cake but holes 7 through 9 he was a little more opinionated about what we were doing. He preferred to be chasing a golf ball that he was tossing around or riding fast in the golf cart and nothing in between. We were very glad that Oliver did well on the golf course and we hope to take him out again sometime.
Bill, Keith and Oliver, ready for the shot.
Oliver riding with Papa and Nana
Family photo on the 18th hole (we played 10-18)
The first order of business when we got home was to take care of some squirrel's that were thinking about hibernating in our attic. Keith took care of the situation and the squirrel's seem to have moved onto greener pastures.
Oliver hanging out at Uncle Jim's party
I found Keith eating like this. Crazy Guy! Kid in one hand, food in the other! Don't worry, after I took the photo I also took the kid.

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