Last weekend was our annual block party. We had a garage full of beer and we were fired up to hang out with the neighbors. However, Mother Nature had a different plan. Saturday presented us with a serious rain storm that wouldn't let up. Oliver put on his coat to go check out the situation and discovered that he loved the rain. Keith and Oliver didn't find any of the neighbors out and discovered that the party was going to be moved to Sunday. Oliver wasn't going to let a perfectly good rain coat go to waste so he splashed around outside for a while.

On Sunday, we had the block party. It was a nice day, but once again the rain came in. There was about 30 minutes that the whole street was huddled under two tents. Eventually the rain let up and we all ventured out into the street and the boys started up a game of kick-ball. You may have heard me say that we live on a great street for families with a lot of kids and all but two are boys. Check out this picture for proof, and this isn't even all of them.

Oliver wasn't much for playing kick-ball with the older kids, he
preferred to rummage through the toys they left behind. Who knows, we may have lacrosse in our future.
1 comment:
Poor Oliver - it looks like he is waiting for the neighbors to come out and play in the rain.
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