This was our second annual trip to Anderson Farms and we always have a great time. When I looked at the calendar we had only two dates open that would work for Anderson Farms, one of which was last Sunday. We thought we had better take advantage of the nice weather that was forecasted since we didn't know what we would get later in the season. The advantages of going on their second weekend open was there were no crowds, tons of pumpkins to choose from and 80 degree weather. WOW!
You may recall this bumpy train ride we took last year. I once again convinced to squeeze into this tiny train car (barrel) so that Oliver could enjoy a ride. He loved it, so I loved it. I'm not sure that by 5'11" body enjoyed it, but it too survived.
Ready for take off... Dad was equipped with the camera and even put an artistic edge to this shot!
Sitting behind us was our friend Stephanie with her son Freddie and her daughter Evelyn tucked in the car right behind her.
Oliver finally gets HIS chance in the driver seat. After two years of being a back seat driver he is wondering what took us so long to hand over the wheel.
Miss Evelyn loving the ride

He loved the animals and reminded them all what sound they say.
The funnies part was the goat at the top of the pulley. You put food in the bucket, pulley it up to the top and there was a goat anxiously waiting to chow down.
You can see in the picture below, the goat is the dark spot in the middle of the picture on top of the rim.

Oliver and Evelyn in the hay bail maze for kiddos.
Oliver and Keith on top of the maze. Once again, Oliver's in pole position.

Geoff going one way and Keith going the other way.
Oliver and Mama in the corn maze. This year we actually made it all of the way through one whole maze.
Oliver wondering who engineered these utters?

Clearly, he is not a dairy farm kid
The driver actually remembered Oliver from last year. I guess they don't have many Oliver's around the farm. The driver offered to let us put Oliver on the tractor for a photo but he was too shy.
On the way to the pumpkin patch in the wagon pulled by the Oliver tractor, we stopped to feed some long haired/long horned cows. Evelyn and Oliver had a great time feeding the cows and would giggle when they got a slobbery hand lick.

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