It was a beautiful sunny Saturday morning in Denver as we headed out for the Memory Walk in City Park. Our friend Sue flew in from Chicago for the walk and we were all part of Team Parker's Posse.
Here, Jen and Parker are gearing up for the start.

Keith, Craig and Jen are ready to begin walking.

Oliver has a balloon, so he is set too.

Half-way through the walk we decided to take a detour to go to Snooze for breakfast. It was 1.2 miles away, so we figured that it was no different than doing the 5K, actually probably further by the time we completed all of the walking. Breakfast was fabulous and we had a great time surrounded by wonderful friends.
Here is Parker, having breakfast.

Miss Sue smooching on Parker

Oliver telling me what he wanted for breakfast

Craig and Oliver having fun

On our way back, we stopped to take a few pictures in City Park with the Denver skyline in the background. You can see all of the tents from the walk but by the time we got back everything was over.
Sue, Jen and Carrie

Family photo in City Park

We had a great morning and it is flowing over into the afternoon. Keith had some yard work to do and Oliver is all about helping out these days.

Note: This week Oliver has decided that we are no longer Mama and Dada, we are now Mommy and Daddy. He walks around announcing to the world "My Daddy!" Today I gave him some yogurt and he said "Thanks Mommy!". Well, I'm more of a fan of Mama than Mommy, but if he's going to be polite AND cute, well, I'll take Mommy.
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