Friday, August 29, 2014

Junior Ranger's Oliver and Kellan

During our Twelve Day Road Trip, we had an opportunity to spend two days in Yellowstone.  While there, the boys worked diligently on their Junior Rangers work books.  Sadly, when we left the park there wasn't a ranger station open that would accept their books in exchange for the Junior Ranger badges.  We swore to the boys that we would send them in (per the instructions) and the Yellowstone Rangers would send back their badges.  We put their Junior Ranger work books in the mail, crossed our fingers and hoped that the Rangers didn't leave us hanging.  

At the end of August, just a few weeks after we sent in their work books, this letter came in the mail:
Ranger Amanda came through for us and fulfilled the National Park commitment to send our boys their Junior Ranger badges for fulfilling their commitment of completing their work books. (whew!)

Oliver was SO excited!  He had worked so hard for his badge.
They even sent back their work books, which Kellan was anxious to review.
He wasn't quite sure if the work was worth this badge. 
"Really, this is it?  What am I suppose to do with this?"
Eventually he was exited too and gave Mommy a smile for the camera.
Great work boys!!
(Great response Ranger Amanda)

1 comment:

rbgarner said...

Great job boys. Kellan is such an expressive little guy, love his "is this it" look.

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