Thursday, June 28, 2012


At Oliver's new Primrose School, they take them on field trips 1-2 times a week in the summer.  He LOVES LOVES LOVES It!  Plus, parents have the option to be a chaperon.  I picked a few dates that worked and gave Oliver the choice of location.  He picked the Aquarium, so on Thursday, we all loaded up on the Primrose bus and headed out.
Every kid had a partner that they maneuvered with.  Oliver's partner was the cutest little thing, Miss Dylan.
There was SO much to explore at the Aquarium.
All 19 of the kids would huddle around the glass to see the fish and in this case, the otters.
They braved the tunnels with sea turtles, sting rays and VERY large fish.

To their surprise, there were even real live mermaids splashing around to "Under the Sea".

Hey Look... a scuba guy too!
Not everything was hands off, when they came upon the star fish exhibit they were ready to explore.
The class all gathered for a quick rest and photo op.  Here is all 19 of the Pre-K I class.
Oliver and I had a GREAT time on the field trip.  Next up, Daddy is joining them for some great fun in July.  Stay Tuned!

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