Friday, May 6, 2011

From Frumpy to Fabulous on Friday in Florida

When we got up on Friday, the weather was great.  We had conversation about how the weather forecasters were wrong, again.  Keith and Oliver headed off for the beach and Kellan took a nap.  Before Kellan woke up, Oliver and Keith were back from the beach.  The wind was blowing, the wave were huge and the storm was headed in.  We decided that since it was not a good time for the beach we would head into Sarasota and check out the marina.  Oliver jumped in the tub to clean up and warm up.  Shortly thereafter, Kellan woke up so he jumped in with him.  Before we could leave, the rain started pouring out of the sky.  
The rain was coming down hard and we decided that being out on the road was not a great idea.  Kellan was crying, Oliver seemed tired and the rain was coming down harder and harder.  Oliver was disappointed that we weren't going to see boats but once he got over it and we turned the car around, he fell asleep.  Just in case he got thirsty during his cat nap, his juice was closer by.
Keith's sad face for rain on our last day of our beach vacation.
Once we got home we expected everyone to happily take a rainy day nap.  Instead, the two boys seemed to find new energy and neither one of them could sleep.  I found myself cuddling with both of them in the chair.  Keith got a few pictures of us having fun.

The rain let up and we finally made it to the marina in Sarasota.  We stopped at Marina Jack's for an appetizer.  There was a guy singing and playing the guitar, which Oliver enjoyed singing along with.
Kellan was just happy to have another cracker.

The skies cleared up and we were off and running.

This boat was so big that a second boat fit across the back.

This tree was crazy cool.  The root system seemed to grow down from the branches.

There was a playground near the marina that Oliver loved exploring.

Headed back to the car, Keith checking out how to get downtown to some street festivities that he had seen online.  Oliver was just along for the ride.
Kellan decided he was done with Sarasota so instead of pushing around a cranky baby, we opted to head back home.  We had a lot to do to wrap up our vacation.  

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