The last full day that G'm and G'pa Garner were here we had some down home fun at the park. It was a warm day but the clouds were hanging around. This didn't stop Oliver. As a matter of fact, he was moving so much we didn't get many photos. This is unheard of! His favorite was the twirly slide, which we discovered that he loves to go down by himself. The first ride down he went with his Mama.

Here, Oliver and G'ma are reading Hop on Pop, one of Oliver's favorites!

G'ma picked this sweater and shirt up for him on our Girls Day Out shopping day. I think it is a great new look for him. He will claim that it is a come back from the '70's. Whatever it is, I like it!

Yes, we had a little fun in the conference room while Keith was on the phone.
Prepping Oliver with some gold fish snacks before the Oliver's big introduction at Intertech.
Quick Family Photo!
Keith was so proud of his "mini me"!
G'ma and Oliver

Like Father Like Son
Yes, if Keith could snack on Gold Fish all day, he probably would too. HA HA!!
Working Hard or Hardly Working?
After our visit at Intertech we were headed to dinner. We had some time to spare between the visit and dinner so Oliver, Mama, G'ma and G'pa strolled through Borders.

Oliver LOVES books, so he was thrilled to spend some time here.
Hmm.... what else do we have here?
YES! This is the book for me. Ten Little Ladybugs!
We went to dinner at Texas De Brazil and it was quite delicious. Poor Oliver was a little tired and cranky so he wasn't quite the happy camper we're used to, but he started out Loving It!

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