A few weekends back we went for a small hike on Green Mountain. Green Mountain is on the West side of Denver and just a few miles down the road from us. It was a beautiful sunny day but the higher we went the colder and windier it got. We didn't make it to the top since Oliver wasn't a big fan of the cold wind, but it was nice to get some exerercise, fresh air and vitamin D.
Green Mountain is home to hikers, bikers, joggers, horse back riders and occasionally a few deer or elk.
As we were hiking up we noticed a "pack" of bikers come FLYING down the mountain. Looked like fun!
You'll notice, Green Mountain isn't always green.
A few minutes later I looked back and noticed the pack of bikers had tightened up and they were trucking UP the mountain. This no longer looked like fun. I much prefer when we were in Vail and rode the chair lift up so we could bike down. YAY!
A quick shot of Keith and Oliver with the view of the foothills. We live just behond Oliver's head but a little further to the left. This was the breaking point for Oliver's mood and he cried the whole way down. Poor guy. Whenever the wind did stop blowing (which wasn't very often) he would stop crying. This lead us to the conclusion that he had enough and it was time to call it quits.

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