Oliver was surprised with an early Valentine in the mail from Great Grandma Garner in Idaho. He LOVED IT!!! How did she know that we had just seen something similar at the store and Oliver and Keith (more Keith than Oliver) went around and turned every single one of them on. I'm telling you, it must be Karma. Oliver plays with this dancing and singing bear every night and every morning.
POSTED BELOW ~ I have some video also but they'll take a while to upload. Check back.
From the first day Oliver received this bear he was thrilled with it!
A singing AND dancing bear. What more could a kid need?

Oliver has been learning about his belly in school and he LOVES to show his belly to everyone, even if you're a singing and dancing bear. He also likes to point our our belly's too. It's not too bad until he gives it a big pat like we need to hit the gym. HEY!!!

First thing the next morning Oliver went straight over the the bear on the coffee table and started it up again. Why on earth did we show him where to "on" button was? Oh ya, so we didn't have to turn it on for him.

Proper hygiene is important if your mouth is full of teeth or only partially full.

Showing off his pearly whites!
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