Monday, August 19, 2013

Kellan's a Pre-Schooler

Today, was a big day!
Oliver started Kindergarten, but before that, Kellan started Pre-School!
At 7 AM, we went to the same place that we go every Monday through Friday.  The big difference is that on this day, Kellan officially starts Pre-School. He's a big boy now, marching into the school without even looking back to see how close or far behind Mommy or Daddy are.
Before school, I wanted a first day of school photo.  I asked him if he would like to stand by the bench or the flowers. Bench?  Flowers?
"The Bus!" he exclaimed!
So, the bus it was.
He's getting so big and so tall.  His third birthday is just days away and Pre-School is just moments away.
In the classroom, he proudly stood with his backpack on his hook.
Yes, this is the same hook that he had all summer but now, it has whole new meaning.  It means that he is in Pre-School.
1, 2, 3, look at ME!
He is SO proud and SO excited!
Happy First Day of Pre-School, Kellan.
We love you bunches and are so proud of how you're growing into such a big boy.

1 comment:

Jedi Mama said...

I'm not kidding... that last snapshot of him grinning MELTS! MY! HEART! I want to pick him up early from pre-school and whisper in his ear, "We're ditching your mama and going for ice cream and toy trains!"

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