Sunday, June 30, 2013

Patio Project Phase II D

Patio Project Phase II D - D for DONE (enough).

Finally, we decided that the patio was done enough, for now.  Keith still has some facing / cupboard type doors to put up, but he will get there.  We are still trying to figure out an outdoor refrigerator solution and we're having a hard time finding one that we like.  That may be playing into the delay in completion, but we voted that it was done enough, for now.  Now, it's time to enjoy it.
I found Keith and Oliver hanging on the patio, having a chat.  They are sitting approximately where we would like to put a fire pit and sitting area next summer.  
My favorite part of these photos is how Oliver is putting his hand on his Daddy's arm while they chat.
As dinnertime neared, Oliver bellied up to the bar for a Ginger Ale.
Wild and Crazy around here, eh?

Kellan bellied up for a matchbox car shoot out.

Keith was excited to really use his grill for something other than hot dogs for a play date.
Grilled asparagus, mmmm.
The boys were bellied up and ready for our first meal at the bar.
(Honestly, they were blowing bubbles in their drinks, which is SO off limits, but produces great smiles so was forgiven for a few photo moments.)

Mommy and Daddy were ready with their juice too.

While Mommy was chatting up the evening with the boys, Daddy got a hold of the camera.  I like to think of this as an advertisement for the wine, or to come and relax with us at our new bar.
The boys and their Mama, bellied up for dinner.
You're never to young to toast a great night with family.

Daddy finishing up on the grill.
Checking to make sure that the pork tenderloin is grilled to absolute perfection.
First family dinner at the bar .
Cheers from the Ham Fam!
Kellan, Oliver, Mommy and Daddy
Keith showing off his grilling perfection: Pork Tenderloin with Mango Salsa and a side of grilled Asparagus.

Time for Daddy to enjoy the bar too!
He's all thumbs and it's all good.
After dinner, Oliver talked Daddy into a game of baseball.

While there was a game going on in the yard, Kellan was busy racing cars on anything and everything.

The baseball player taking a break.

The race car driver racing on.
His favorite car, a Jeep.
My kind of kid!
What a great evening.
Once again, thanks to Big Daddy Keith for the amazing bar.  This will the first of many great family times bellied up to the backyard bar.

1 comment:

Jedi Mama said...

I almost feel like y'all should have smashed a bottle of vintage champagne over the bar to christen it. Your backyard is amazing... I may covet it just a tiny bit. And the pictures of the boys breaking the rules and blowing bubbles in their drinks were darling!

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