You better not pout
You better not cry
You better not shout
I'm telling you why
Grandma and Grandpa are coming TO TOWN!
They made a list
They checked it twice
They put you on the nice list
Whether Naughty or Nice
Grandma and Grandpa are coming TO TOWN!
You guessed it... Grandma and Grandpa came to town for a pre-Christmas visit.
We made it to the airport a tad early so we were able to go inside and meet them where the train drops them off. Then, when we got inside we gave Grandma a call and found out that they hadn't even opened the door to the airplane yet, so we had some time to toodle around. SO... we went and bought her flowers. Ahhh....
Then, we toodled around by the poinsettias and took a few waiting photos. I think these two were the most handsome waiters at the airport.
Kellan liked being in charge of holding the flowers. Even if it slightly resembled holding a sword. (and would someone cut that boys hair!)
Hurry up Grandma! We're ready for you!!
I missed the "They're Here" moment but they spotted Oliver through the crowd and it was a big greeting, as you would expect. Our shy guy, Kellan, was quiet but melted right into Grandpa's arms when he picked him up. It was so good to have them in Denver!
Since it was rush hour, we stopped for dinner on the way home and thought we would try to restaurant in Bass Pro Shop. I know, it sounds crazy, but it gets good reviews. Plus, there is a lot to see a the Bass Pro Shop and we thought that we might even do a little Christmas shopping.
The fish are always a big hit to watch. Here, I wonder if we're watching the fish or if the fish are watching us?
The doon buggies are always fun to "drive".
So are the four wheelers. Lucky for us, they come in all colors and sizes.
Daddy arrived, so we went to get dinner. While we were busy riding ATV's, the restaurant filled up with people who were there to see Santa so there was an hour wait. Urgh!!!! So... we went to the craft table where there was serious work to be done.
Low and behold, a new photo frame.
Bass Pro Shop had all kinds of cool things set up for the kids (and for parents to buy for those said kids) like this train set. The kids loved driving it around the track.
There was also a free carousel, complete with a ridable moose!
And a bear, Rawr!
Oliver had been asking for a sling shot for Christmas. We have NO idea where he got this idea but it was very solid on his list for Santa. Fortunately, Bass Pro Shop had several of these types of items to try out and even some other options like this bow and arrow.
Keith teaching his boys to shoot a bow and arrow. Maybe when they are older they can go archery hunting like their Daddy.
Bulls Eye, Every Time!
Well... Kellan's a big younger so he has a few years to catch up on his skills.
The next day was Friday. Keith went to work, Kellan went to school and Oliver played hookey to go shopping with Mommy, Grandma and Grandpa. With it being only 2 weeks before Christmas, Mommy had a ton of errands to run, so we ran them. One stop was at the mall. Oliver's laughter rang through the hall and it was non-stop fun for these three. I love this picture of them. It shows the pure joy and fun they were having. Notice, Oliver is practically air borne.
Outside Gymboree, Grandma and Oliver were being goofy and Grandma had her camera ready.
What a nut! Who wouldn't want to spend a Friday afternoon with this cutie pie?!
In between errands, we stopped at Red Robin for lunch, YUM!
Then, it was off to a few more stores where Oliver took a car cat nap. Good thing because he had a big event that night. It's such a big event that it's getting its own blog post so you'll have you check to see that. It's got cuteness galore!
That day was very productive with errands, plus, Mommy found Oliver and Kellan's Christmas PJ's. She had found these PJ's online months ago and they have been sold out. She walked into Gymboree and BAM, there they were in Oliver's size. We may have had to travel 30 minutes out of the way to pick up Kellan's size, but it was SO worth it!!
The boys even busted out their elf slippers from last year.
Just when I think "they haven't grown THAT much, they prove me wrong. These things were so small that they were falling out of them, but it was cute for some quick photos. Shortly after this, they went into the "too small" drawer.
These two burst with love for each other. Can you hear the giggles?
I love these two to pieces. They absolutely melt my heart.
That night, Kellan roped Grandpa into reading him a story about Zach's Alligator.
If you'll read Kellan a book, he'll be your best friend for life.
Grandma also brought some hand-me-down puzzles from cousin Rio. Kellan has really been enjoying puzzles and Oliver is always up for a good puzzle. 
Eventually, the evening wound down and the Ham Fam collected on the love seat. This is a common view, to have a Ham Fam pile of people. It's fun to have Grandma here to see what she captures on her camera, including times like this. Even though they wiggle like a couple of worms, we love it.
The next day, Kellan was sportin' his new Giraffe hat from Grandma and getting "a ride" up and down the stairs. 90% of the time he wants to do things "by self" and then, he'll insist on having "a ride" up and down the stairs. What a nut!
Oliver got in some quiet cuddle and photo time with Grandma on the couch. The results were several self portrait. Love It!!!
During Kellan's nap times, there was plenty of time to sit and drink tea, chat and work on our winter tans through the big living room windows.
We also wrapped a few presents. This one was for Mommy so I had to stay FAR FAR away, but I did sneak in a photo when I knew it was safe.
Daddy was feeling a bit under the weather, so he went to rest. During that time, Oliver drew him a special picture of Oliver and Daddy to help him feel better. It did the trick. Daddy loved it and took it to work to proudly display.
Working hard on Daddy's picture.
After a few "cheesy grins", I got this one. I may have said "say poopy pants" to make him give a crazy grin. You do what you have to do to get the fun shot!
That evening, I noticed Kellan had made himself quite comfortable on Dad with the remote.
We also had another fun event Saturday night, but that too deserves it's own blog post so stay tuned.
Sunday was the final day that Grandma and Grandpa were at our house and they were leaving on a jet plane that afternoon.
There were many more Bey Blade battles to be had. Oliver usually won, but occasionally someone else won a round.
There is usually not much humility in Oliver's victory celebration. He lets his opponents know clearly that he's won.
Grandma also spent some time drawing with the boys. I used to love drawing with Grandma (when she was just My Mom... oh ya... an my brothers Mom too). I always thought that she was the best artist ever.
Kellan was clearly mesmerized with her skills as well.
I love how he looks at her with admiration.
My handsome boy.
Oliver was busy making his own art at his end of the table.
The three of them making their masterpieces.
Before they left, we got a photo of the boys with Grandma and Grandpa.
I love this photo!
Plus, in case you didn't guess, it was Broncos Football Sunday. WHOOP WHOOP!
Thanks for coming to visit, Grandma and Grandpa. We loved having you here and can't wait to see you again really soon!
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