When we walked out of In-n-Out Burger, the clouds were back. We were bummed but headed to the Wild Animal Park anyway. It rained twice, once when we were on the train through the safari area and once after the petting zoo where we could take cover. Overall, it was a great day. The Wild Animal Park is in a wooded area and it felt great to get out for a nice long walk in the fresh air.
The Wild Animal Park is a breeding park for animal conservation. They return some of the animals to the wild and some go to zoos.
Thanks to Keith for the zoom lens he bought me a few years ago. These elephants were a few hundred yards away.
The baby elephant and it's Mom, so cute!

the golden ticket. Aloha!

Family self portrait on the train through the safari.
Two cheetah's, some of Oliver's favorites. These two are sisters, do you see the resemblance. HA HA!!
A red rhino. His lady and son were on the other side of the pen. Come to find out, if the dad even approaches those two, the mom will charge him. I guess we know who wears the pants in that family!

There were lots and lots of giraffes.
A view of the valley from the top of the hill
This guy was HUGE! You can't really tell from the photo, but he was quite a bit larger than the other giraffes.
Oliver in the petting zoo. It is fun to see how confident Oliver is getting. We had to remind him to approach the animals slowly, just in case.

At last, a ride on the carousel. This is another one of Oliver's favorite activities. It wasn't too long ago that the carousel scared him. It is great fun that he enjoys it now. He was fired up that he got to ride an elephant.

The carousel was so much fun that Oliver wanted to ride again. It was included in park admission and there was no line so Keith joined us the second time. Again, Oliver was fired up on his animal of choice, a horse. We'll tell him later that it was actually a donkey of some sort. Mom was next door on a cheetah. The whole time Oliver kept looking at the animals behind us telling them to go away. I guess he thought they were chasing us.

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