Grandma Garner, these photos were taken with you in mind. You had once said that you can't wait to see Oliver eat his first spaghetti because you knew it would be a big mess, which you know drives me crazy. Oh, how far I have come with accepting messes, ha ha!!! Now, we just sit back, take photos and wish we had a dog to clean up the mess. Since we knew this dinner had the potential to be everywhere and stain his shirt, he went shirtless for the big event.
Here is Oliver just starting dinner. Notice the talent he exhibits with spaghetti sitting on his nose, perfectly.

Oliver is getting quite good at using his sippy cup at meal time.

Yes, this photo moment resulted in spaghetti sauce on the camera, but I couldn't believe how well the photo captured his bright blue eyes. Yes, they really are THAT blue!

"I Love Spaghetti!!!"


The big reveal.... Did he miss his mouth or was he hiding this spaghetti under his tray for a midnight snack?

1 comment:
Eatting should be fun and it looks like he is having a good time. Love it.
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