We have had a busy morning today. We kicked it off bright and early with the Coors 5K run/walk. This is an annual event that is the morning of the company picnic. It is followed with a pancake breakfast with events like a car show, face painting, jumpy castles, fire truck demonstration, etc. It started at 7:30 AM with the kids run with the family run/walk to follow. We got there at 7:45 thinking there was no way they had started. Come to find out, we missed it by 10 minutes. We could have bagged out on it, but instead, we took off jogging!!! If you know me, you know I don't run. I suppose I might if I was being chased by the boogie man, but I usually choose not to. So, we actually participated in the run/walk, just as it says, run/walk. We finally caught up with the group and passed a few people so we weren't the last ones in. We were probably very close to the end, but not the VERY END! We really enjoyed ourselves and Oliver slept the whole way. We think he may have allergies because his nose is running and his eyes were running like a waterfall. His eyes stopped when we left the Golden Valley so hopefully it's just allergies. Of course, it could be a tooth, FINALLY! We say that for every little ailment and I'm sure it's just allergies.
Carrie and Oliver ready to head out on Oliver's first 5K run/walk.

Oliver at breakfast, SO glad to have time in the grass.

Doing a little dance with Mom.

Whew... taking a nap for a 5K and flashing my smile during breakfast is a lot of hard work!!!
Time for another nap.

So happy to be back in the backyard with my bongo drum!

This is a good picture of his bottom gums with no teeth. Someday he'll have teeth too!!!

We noticed that since I take most of the pictures there aren't many of me. Keith decided he wanted a picture of me with his "championship rose bush". It's going to climb the house before we know it. 
Thursday evening we were treated to a visit from Keith's parents, Nana and Papa. They were in OK visiting her twin sister and they swung by here to spend the evening with Oliver. Keith and his Dad went golfing that afternoon and they said they had a great time. Oliver wasn't much for company that night but he eventually decided to cheer up for his guests. Evenings get shorter and shorter the further we go into the week. He just gets tuckered out from the busy days at school. I refer to our evenings as the 3 B's - Bath, Bottle, Bed. 
Oliver with Papa.

Some of Oliver's new developments:
Oliver decided to flip over and sleep on his tummy last night. This is a first! He was on his tummy for 2 hours last night from when he fell asleep to when we went to bed. I turned him back over so I wouldn't go to bed worrying that he wasn't on his back. At 1 AM I woke up to him fussing in his crib. I tip toed into his bedroom (I usually avoid this since I don't want him to want to get up, but I just thought I should check on him) and he was on his tummy again and pushing up looking around. I quickly flipped him back over, gave him his blanket and scooted out of there. He was back to sleep in no time. Hmm.... Maybe it's time to lower his mattress before he starts pulling himself up. We are starting to think that he is having parties in his crib but pretends that he's sleeping when we go to check on him. We find him at all kinds of angles in the crib. His favorite seems to be to shove his head as far up into the corner as possible with his nose in the corner. Well, I guess if he's happy. It was kind of fun to see him sleeping like me last night on his belly with his feet out from the blankets. He also sleeps with his arms above his head which Keith tells me is how I sleep. He also tells me that he steers clear of me while I'm in this position since he has received an elbow to the head a time or two. How can I possibly be to blame? I'm sleeping and innocent!!
Another thing that Oliver has started is talking with repeated words. I can't quite capture this on camera since every time I bring the camera around he clams up. We hear a lot of lalalala gagagaga babababa and some dadadada. We're working on mamama but it is still just mmmmmmm. Mmmmmmm is the universal signal for when he wants something, usually food or a nap. The best news for me is that this is suppose to be a developmental milestone, even if it sounds like gibberish. Today he was talking up a storm in the yard, which was very cute. Unfortunately, when I brought the camera out he clammed up. Here he is anyway, demonstrating his clapping skills.
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