Since Keith now has a new driver, he has to try it out! On Saturday we went to see our friends Geoff and Stephanie in
Longmont. Stephanie and I arranged a tee time for the guys in celebration of Fathers Day. It was a last minute surprise that they found out about just before the big event. Geoff got the golf cart spiffed up and they headed off into the 90 degree heat. Stephanie, the kids and I headed to the pool to cool off! I forgot my camera for the pool so I don't have any photos. Stephanie took some so I'll post them when she sends them to me. Oliver wasn't a big fan of the pool. I don't think he liked the temperature. We'll keep working with him and hopefully he gets over it. We had a GREAT day with the Hess family and can't wait to spend another day with them soon. They have a daughter, Evelyn, who will be 2 in August. They are expecting Freddy to arrive in the next 3 weeks or so. Oliver and Evelyn got along famously and I can see them being buddies for many visits to come.
Oliver checking out the drivers seat of the golf cart. He'll have to wait a few years to drive it for real.

Keith and Geoff are loaded up and ready to roll out!

Oliver with sunscreen hair, ready for the pool! This really shows how much hair he has!!

Evelyn and Oliver hanging out before heading to the pool.

"My bags are packed and I'm ready for the pool, Mom."

Quick beverage before hitting the road.

Bath time after the pool.
This was
Oliver's first bath with another kid and he did great!

Dad's back from golf!!!
Story time, courtesy of Keith, before bed.

Geoff and Keith have been friends for many years, since Keith was at
CSU in Fort Collins.

Oliver was testing out Freddy's new crib. He slept like a champ. I think it passed the test.

Keith LOVED this salt and pepper shaker!

Geoff and Stephanie dining on the deck.

Dinnertime stories.

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