Friday, July 17, 2015

Fore His Passion

We signed Oliver up for one week of golf camp this summer.  This was then followed by three more weeks of golf camp because he love it so much.  One one day (only one), we were super early to the golf course for camp so I made him putt around for a few photos.  He barely tolerated his dear 'ol Mom's desire to photograph his new passion.  It's only cool until someone sees you and the risk was high that someone could arrive at any second to see this happening.

This kid has an amazing ability to putt from extreme distances.  It basically blows us away.

This kid is also a bit spoiled as his Mommy bought him a new hat to protect him from the sun.  His only other hat was black and that would just absorb the sun and cook his brain so he needed a new hat.  This Titleist Pro VI hat is his new pride and joy.
We think he's worth it, especially if it keeps his brain from getting too hot in the summer sun.
We look forward to seeing this kid go to college on a full ride golf scholarship (no pressure, buddy but Oregon isn't going to be cheap!)

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