In Hamilton family fashion, we threw a birthday BBQ for Kellan's first birthday and invited a few friends. A few turned into a few more and then a few more than that. Before we knew it, we had a Birthday Bash!
Oliver was an excellent helper and was very excited for the party. He went with me to pick up the balloons and he was officially in charge of holding the ribbons while I strategically STUFFED the balloons into the car. Imagine a clown car but with balloons. When I got in to drive away, I couldn't see him. We made some space for him to breath and then I took a picture.
When we got home, Kellan was in awe of all of the colorful balloons.
At one point he managed to get the balloons tangled around him enough that they followed him around. He wasn't too thrilled about it. Good thing we didn't have anymore balloons or he may have floated away!
Kellan's gourmet cupcakes.
Two boxes of Duncan Hines cake mix, two containers of frosting, a bit of food coloring and a lot of love.
Imagine this... nearly three years ago, we (I use the term "we" loosely since you know Keith was just going with the flow on this to make a first time Mamma happy. Two bonus points for Keith!) bought gourmet cupcakes for Oliver at $2 a piece. Yes, TWO WHOLE DOLLARS EACH! They were displayed on the table and when I moved them outside, they went sailing (quickly yet in slow motion) through the air as the cupcake holder tipped. To this day, I have no idea why the cupcake holder tipped. I do know that I saw $2 cupcakes hit the deck, literally. (The look on Geoff's face said it all as he was probably asking himself: Is she going to cry? Is she going to fall apart? Is she going to have a nervous laugh? What do I do? Smile, be sympathetic and don't forget to eat one, maybe two.) Yet, everyone was a trooper and still enjoyed the cupcakes. Probably, because they were over priced and it was Oliver's first birthday. Since then, "we" have learned that kids love boxed cupcakes just as well (if not more) than gourmet cupcakes. Most of all, they love bright frosting. Thank you Duncan Hines for taking the stress out of cupcakes by providing cake mix, frosting AND fabulous food coloring choices (which make for fun pancakes in the off season).

Julie and Alex stopped by but since they are the lucky holders of Broncos season tickets, they had a pre-season game to scoot off to. A pre-season game that the Broncos WON! GO TEAM GO!
Meanwhile, in the backyard, the guys were in their places. Keith was at the grill while his audience of friends watched and waited for the grilled burgers.
Keith, Chris, Tim and Dan
On the opposite side of the wall, the ladies, Michael and babies were enjoying the A/C. Michael is such a trooper. He arrived early before Michelle so he was on baby duty with the ladies.
Cole and Kellan doing what guys do best, talking football over a fishing pond.
Cole is only a few days younger than Kellan.
Cole's brother Owen is only 10 days younger than Oliver.
Crazy, eh?
The party may have been for a one-year old, but it expanded over the horizon with the gang of big kids. We had the big kids (again, loose with the terms. They were 2-8 years old) bring their bikes. We opened the back gate and let them loose in the church parking lot. Once the dinner bell rang, they dropped their rides like a bad habit and headed in for chow time.
Parker taking a stance about carrots at the head of the table.
Charlie, Oliver and Evelyn diving into their BBQ.
Kellan admired the party from his throne.
Oliver and Freddie entertaining Geoff at the kiddie table.
Someday, we'll graduate Geoff to the adult table.
Geoff and Keith.
Do these two ever NOT look suspicious? They may want to work on their poker face before heading off to Vegas anytime soon.
The kiddie table expanded a bit with Brady, Freddie, Oliver, Charlie and Cole.
Birthday Hat Time!
Speaking of looking suspicious, Oliver and Charlie are headed off with a purpose. This look usually has a parent trailing close behind them.
The crowd headed out for the birthday cake festivities.
Happy First Birthday to our Sweet Boy Kellan!
Hey big guy, strike a pose for the crowd!
Kellan: Help me Mom, I can't take anymore of this singing.
Mom: Smile and wave, Kellan, smile and wave.
Ok Kellan, time to blow out the candle. We know that we have never taught you this skill and we are expecting you to have it perfected on the first try in front of a large audience. You're an over achiever, right?
Mmmm Maybe not this time. Mom and Dad jumped in to help.
Mmmm... Cake.
Curious but Cautious.
Hey, now we're talking.
Bright Green Frosting!
"Hey kids, you might be running around thinking you're hot stuff on those cool bikes but there is NO way you're getting my bright green frosting. I'm keeping my eye on you."
Parker diving in to his cupcake. Do you think Jen is trying to convince Parker to just have a nibble?
Kellan's cake action is still going strong.
"Seriously Mom, must you capture every second. Can't a boy eat in peace?"
Owen and Evelyn loving cake time.
Ahh... the sugar is kicking in and the smile is starting to emerge.
I think the sugar high is evident by the happy glaze in Kellan's eyes.
Happy Birthday Buddy!
The party was AMAZING but we were all going different direction. We took a quick pause to scoop up the boys for a family photo. It was fast, furious and fun, just the way the Ham Fam rolls.
Jonny and Kellan getting ready to dribble (not to be confused with drool) the ball a bit.
In the back forty (also known as the church parking lot) the gang of bikers were ready for action.
This was the scene from the back yard. Numerous little bikers scurrying around the church parking lot like a bunch of ants.
Evelyn was excited to try her bike with no training wheels.
Owen and Oliver paused quickly for a Strider Rider photo.
Three of the Four Strider Riders: Freddie, Owen and Oliver. Parker was missing as the Fourth Strider Rider.
They're Off!
Oliver in action riding down the hill.
Watch Out! Here they come!
Owen, Freddie and Oliver.
Oliver and Owen.
"Watch Out Mommy! We're SUPER FAST!"
Owen and Oliver for another quick pause.
Freddie chillin' on his ride.
Oliver and Owen in action again. Yes, they went back and forth over and over and over...
Back at the house, Evelyn was taking a foot bath in the fountain. A girls got to do what a girls go to do!
Mommy and her birthday boy!
Happy Birthday Kellan!
The church parking lot had many uses. One of which was for Parker to push Noah around on the John Deere.
Go Parker Go!
Good thing you've got your fast shoes on!
Parker, get your back in to it, Man!
As people started going home, Oliver asked several times when we could open gifts. Since we were winding down, we had Kellan open a few gifts from the people who were still here. Or, maybe it was more like Noah, Parker and Oliver helped Kellan discover his gifts. They were just SO excited it was tough to keep their gift opening skills under wraps.
Oliver, Noah and Parker continuing to dust off their gift opening skills while Kellan plays with the wrapping.
Look Kellan, you got a new Fire Truck!
Ooohh, this one Kellan got to open on his own but you'll see that Oliver is keeping a watchful eye to make sure proper gift unwrapping protocol is followed.
One of Kellan's favorite gifts of the evening was this little green truck.
The true test of greatness...
the full mouth taste test.
Look Ma, No Hands!
Meanwhile, Owen was happy chillin' out.
Noah and Parker enjoying one of Kellan's new books.
Kellan even shared his new book with Owen.
"Hey Dude, check this out. Are you my Mother? It's a best seller and a fast read"
After everyone left, the excitement of opening gifts still loomed on since there was a table full taunting Oliver. Kellan was ready for bed but we let him open one more. It was possible that Oliver may have burst at the seams with anticipation.
"Whoa Kellan, we got a new tool set."
(Oliver likes to say "let's pretend the gifts are for both of us." We're working on the birthday gift concept)
"Look Kellan, it comes complete with a tool bag that talks."
Kellan: I had better get a good look at this before it ends up in Oliver's possession FOREVER!
The next morning, the fun continued. Kellan kicked it off with a morning beverage.
and a morning stretch.
Oliver and Keith performed their morning ritual of jokes and jabs.
Kellan enjoyed the fact that his balloons were losing their helium and finally coming down to play.
Ah Ha, caught you in the corner!
The true test of greatness, the full mouth taste test.
As always, the wrapping is just as exciting as the gifts.
I didn't know that Elmo had been invited to breakfast.
I see little toes sticking out of the Elmos disguise.
While Oliver was entertained by the bag, Kellan FINALLY got some quiet time with his birthday loot.
There is something cute about a naked baby with an "I Love Mommy" bib on at the breakfast table.
Love You Too Big Guy!
After a GREAT first birthday bash for Kellan (and a few cups of coffee for Mom and Dad), the whole family was all smiles.
Happy First Birthday Kellan!
We Love You Bunches and Bunches!
Thanks to everyone who came by to celebrate our baby turning ONE! We were overwhelmed with the love and generosity that surrounded us.