The weekend after we went to Washington was Presidents Day Weekend. That Monday was a holiday for Primrose School. We called our friends who's kids attend Primrose in Longmont and decided it was time for a ski weekend in Steamboat. Since the schools schedule forced a three-day weekend, we took full advantage and headed West. Two families, four adults, five kids, three full size suit cases, two pack and plays, bags of food, bags of toys and lots of fun for everyone. Keith named the weekend the Hamess weekend. The Hamilton and Hess family Mess. It was an absolute blast and we loved every minute of it.
The view of the gondola from our three bedroom ski-in ski-out condo.
Saturday morning cartoons. The best way to kick off a long weekend. Plus, with five kids, 6:30 AM was considered sleeping in.
Kellan enjoying the weekend in the mountains.
Oliver's first morning in the mountains with his friends.
Kellan and Oliver having a morning snuggle.
The bunk bed was a big hit, as it is for most kids.
Oliver, Evelyn and Freddie.
The first morning, Stephanie and I went skiing
Evelyn and Oliver went to ski school.
Freddie, Kellan and Jonny stayed home with Keith and Geoff.
The snow was awesome and we had a great time skiing.
Steamboat down below
The sun finally came out and it was so sunny that we almost couldn't keep our eyes open.
We headed back to the condo at lunch time to relieve the guys of kid duty and send them off skiing.
This is what I found. Kellan and his Daddy having a nice relaxing afternoon. Don't they both look so happy?
At the end of the day, werounded up the munchkins and all met up for Apres Skiing at Slopeside Bar. Stephanie and I had stopped to see Evelyn and Oliver skiing earlier in the day but we missed them. They both said they had a great time at ski school. We were so relieved since it was Oliver's first time at ski school. They said he had great balance and he did really well skiing down the little run and maneuvering the magic carpet back up the hill.
Stephanie is amazing at how well she manages multiple kids. Oliver lost some gear at ski school and when I came back from rounding everything up, this is what I found. Stephanie, calmly managing four kiddos. I can't say that I would handle it so well. Her secret, snacks!
Stephanie, Jonny (in back pack), Oliver and Evelyn headed to Slopeside.
Oliver and Evelyn having a good time.
Evelyn, Oliver and Freddie

Miss Evelyn enjoying the Apres Skiing
Mommy and Kellan
I later figured out that the reason I could never get the Ergo to work well having Kellan facing forward is because it wasn't designed to work that way. Oops, sorry kiddo.
Kellan and Mommy hanging out.
Keith having a deep conversation with Evelyn.
Whatever they were chatting about, it seems Evelyn was buying it.
Kellan all bundled up in Oliver's head warmer.
Stephanie - Photo courtesy of Evelyn. She takes great photos at the ripe 'ol age of four.
Jonny - Photo courtesy of Evelyn.
These boys wouldn't stand still for anyone to take their picture, except Miss Evelyn.
Oliver, Evelyn and Freddie. Our little snow bunnies.
Carrie and Freddie having fun. Photo courtesy of Evelyn.
Oliver and Freddie had a great time pulling the sleds back and forth.
Here is Oliver, heading back toward the crowd. You can see Keith and Stephanie sitting just to the left.
Kellan and Keith with Stephanie to the side.
Mommy and her boys, Kellan and Oliver.
Freddie, up close and personal. Only a photo a sister (Evelyn) could capture.
Back at the house for a little art work. All five kids at the table.
Jonny (4 months), Evelyn (4), Oliver, (3), Freddie (2), Kellan (6 month)
Saturday night we hired a sitter and went out on the town. We were all so tired that we were counting down the time until we hit the three-hour minimum for the sitter. Pathetic, we know. New parents, yes.
Geoff, Stephanie, Carrie and Keith
Keith enjoying a Colorado Native, a new brew from Golden.
Stephanie and Carrie
Carrie and Keith
Hey... it's snowing!!
Keith and Geoff in the snow.
Geoff and Stephanie in Snowy Steamboat
Keith and Carrie in Snowy Steamboat
Sunday morning, Oliver enjoying some Oliver time to himself.
Later Sunday morning, Oliver having a sweet moment with his brother Kellan.
Kellan charming Mommy with his irresistible smile.
Sunday morning, Keith and I got out for a few runs.
Before calling it a day of skiing, we stopped for a quick beverage. Mmmm
After lunch with the Hamess, we took the three big kids skiing. Keith stayed back with the babies (Jonny and Kellan) since he snowboards and it's tough to ski with the kiddos while on a snowboard. Oliver was so excited to get out skiing again. Keith calls his look "Black Out" since he has a black helmet and goggles.
Oliver and Freddie on the gondola headed up the mountain. That's right, we took them to the top.
Evelyn on the gondola.
Evelyn and Geoff headed down our green run of choice. It was called "Why Not" (sign on the right).
Carrie and Oliver taking a quick rest.
Carrie and Oliver skiing by.
Stephanie and Freddie skiing by.
There is a tee-pee half way down the run. The kids enjoyed a snack inside.
Sunday night we went to the Steamboat Hot Spring. Basically, it was a big swimming pool that was super warm. The kids loved it. It was after dinner so it was dark and foggy with steam and there was snow coming down on our heads. It was a great way to wrap up a wonderful weekend.
Jonny and Kellan enjoyed it as well. Kellan liked it so much he took a nap on my shoulder. Obviously, with the pool setting, there are no photos. It was too cold and dark to get out and take photos, so you'll just have to use your imagination. It was the perfect ending to an amazing Hamess weekend.
Driving home on Monday, I took a few photos. I love the drive to/from Steamboat.
We had such a great time, but we were also exhausted when we got home. All of the boys took a nap, even Keith.
What a cozy conclusion.