Keith's parents, Nana and Papa were here for New Years on their way to Texas. We had planned to spend New Years Eve with friends, but the host families son got sick so our plans were changed. Instead, we went to dinner with Keith's parents and his Uncle Jim and Aunt Donna. After dinner, Nana and Papa came back to our house where Oliver "taught" Papa how to play Hungry Hippos. I think they were probably debating the rules to the game here.
Happy New Years!
Dad with his boys, Oliver and Kellan.
Kellan has been working on rolling over. He is getting there, it's just a stages and gradual process.
Stage One: Look cute on your tummy so Mom takes a pictures.
Stage Two: roll the top half over onto the side. The bottom half is large and in charge of itself.
Stage Three: Catch the bottom half up with the top half and deem the process a successful roll over.
The entire process takes at least 10 minutes, so we haven't captured it on video yet. We will once the process is a little quicker.
Kellan thoroughly enjoyed cuddle time with Nana.
Keith and his Dad worked on upgrading our kitchen, once again. When they were here in September they installed new appliances. This time, it was can lighting to replace the fluorescent light and new pull out drawers in our pots/pans cupboard.
I'm thinking about using these photo as a "what not to do" safety moment at work. What's missing? Safety glasses and a proper step stool.

Double time.
Dinner was approaching and we decided the original three lights weren't enough. Keith and his Dad kicked it up and got in all six lights before dinner. The finished results look amazing.
Meanwhile, in the living room, Oliver was busy building his own contraptions.
Kellan was working on his bouncing skills.
Oliver and Kellan sharing a sit.
Papa and Nana with their grandsons, Oliver and Kellan.
Here is a video of the Hamilton boys dog pile/pyramid. It is also a sign of how much we, as parents, have relaxed with kid #2. I would have FREAKED if this was happening around Oliver. Also notice how Kellan takes it all in stride.
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