Sometimes, the best part of the day is bath time and new boxer briefs.
As most three-year old siblings are, Oliver is a big helper with Kellan. His latest is that he loves to help with Kellan's bath. He brings in his red stool from his bathroom, while exclaiming how strong his muscles are since he can lift the heavy stool. (this is photo worthy as well. next time) He places the stool right in front of the bath tub, but tells us that he didn't put it in our spot. (we have been moved to the side, I guess) He then jumps up on the stool, and before too long, he is squealing with delight and hiding his face because Kellan's thunder thigh splashes are getting him all wet. Our bathroom is usually on the edge of flooding, but it is fun for all, so we let it go now and then. No sense in sweating the fun stuff.
Kellan thoughts, "Mom, are you REALLY going to let this kid give me a bath?"
As Oliver lubes up with a little soap for Kellan:
Kellan thoughts, "Hey, Mom, last chance to jump in and save us here?"
Kellan thoughts "Must I do everything for myself around here? Final defense mechanism, thunder thigh splashes, headed your way big brother."
All the while, Oliver covering his eyes and squealing in delight.
Kellan thoughts "Ahhh... I made it. Hey wait, I've fended off the big brother rub down, now I feel like there is an alligator eating my head. What's up with that?"

As I got Kellan dressed for the day, Oliver serenaded us with a drum sequence.
One last lap in the Buzz Lightyear briefs.
The bath tub ended up being a tad more full than usual. Oliver seized the moment and practiced his swimming technique. We really need to get this kid in the pool.
Ta-Da! Introducing Oliver's new BIG BOY BOXER BRIEFS!
We found them on clearance at Gymboree the day before. Not only were they on sale, they were covered in Dinosaur's. A perfect match.
Oliver showing off his new dinosaur boxer briefs AND his big muscles!!
Bath time and Boxer Briefs complete. Time to start our Sunday.
I love the bath pictures. Their so cute! I can't believe how big Kellan is getting already.
Tom C isn't the only one who can look good in boxers.
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