Kellan is becoming more fond of the Jumparoo. He is getting stronger and more alert to what is going on in the Jumparoo. He also likes to watch football while he's jumping around but he is never too occupied to throw a smile his Mom's direction.
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Bath Time and Boxer Briefs
Sometimes, the best part of the day is bath time and new boxer briefs.
As most three-year old siblings are, Oliver is a big helper with Kellan. His latest is that he loves to help with Kellan's bath. He brings in his red stool from his bathroom, while exclaiming how strong his muscles are since he can lift the heavy stool. (this is photo worthy as well. next time) He places the stool right in front of the bath tub, but tells us that he didn't put it in our spot. (we have been moved to the side, I guess) He then jumps up on the stool, and before too long, he is squealing with delight and hiding his face because Kellan's thunder thigh splashes are getting him all wet. Our bathroom is usually on the edge of flooding, but it is fun for all, so we let it go now and then. No sense in sweating the fun stuff.
Kellan thoughts, "Mom, are you REALLY going to let this kid give me a bath?"
As Oliver lubes up with a little soap for Kellan:
Kellan thoughts, "Hey, Mom, last chance to jump in and save us here?"
Kellan thoughts "Must I do everything for myself around here? Final defense mechanism, thunder thigh splashes, headed your way big brother."
All the while, Oliver covering his eyes and squealing in delight.
Kellan thoughts "Ahhh... I made it. Hey wait, I've fended off the big brother rub down, now I feel like there is an alligator eating my head. What's up with that?"

As I got Kellan dressed for the day, Oliver serenaded us with a drum sequence.
One last lap in the Buzz Lightyear briefs.
The bath tub ended up being a tad more full than usual. Oliver seized the moment and practiced his swimming technique. We really need to get this kid in the pool.
Ta-Da! Introducing Oliver's new BIG BOY BOXER BRIEFS!
We found them on clearance at Gymboree the day before. Not only were they on sale, they were covered in Dinosaur's. A perfect match.
Oliver showing off his new dinosaur boxer briefs AND his big muscles!!
Bath time and Boxer Briefs complete. Time to start our Sunday.
Oliver and Mom Date Day
Last weekend, I had a few errands to run at the mall that had been hanging over me for several weeks. Keith and I have also found it is easier to get things accomplished if we divide and conquer. Divide kid duty, that is. It is also a chance for us each to spend one on one time with each of the boys. Since I had errands and Oliver doesn't mind the mall, he and I made a date day of it. (Kellan and Keith had a date at Home Depot and in front of the playoff games. A date Kellan much prefers over the mall at this point) In between jumping over every crack (tile seam) in the mall, throwing pennies in two different fountains multiple times from different angles, charming other shoppers and having a relaxing lunch complete with dessert, we managed to squeeze in the errands that needed completed.
To kick the date off right, we stopped at the Starbucks drive-thru. Oliver's drink and snack of choice; apple juice box and a "pink bagel" (mini birthday cake donut with pink frosting and white sprinkles).
The first stop was a shoe return at Nordstroms. Oliver helped me pick out other shoes I may want to try on. His favorites, some bright pink pumps. I told him I would try them on next time. This time, we kept it more conservative.
The next stop, the Apple store so I could get a new case for my iPhone since my old one had paint chipping off of it. We found a very stylish case and it gave Oliver a bag that was just his size to carry. Speaking of the iPhone, all of these photos are a little lower quality than usual because I had to use my phone. If you can believe it, my camera battery was dead so I left it at home.
Our first (of many) stops at the fountain in the mall. Oliver loves throwing pennies in the fountain and watching the water squirt from one side to the other. It is a big attraction for kids. I would have never guess this, pre-kids.
We headed outside to get lunch, so we had to stop and throw pennies in that fountain as well.
We were having "throw your head back in laughter" fun!
(love this picture! We truly were having this much fun!)
We headed into the White Chocolate Grill for lunch. We decided to try it for the first time since the Cheesecake Factory had a 30 minute wait. Crazy! It turned out to be the perfect place for our date.
Oliver and Mommy self portrait. Not an easy task to accomplish with the iPhone.
Diving into a Grilled Cheeses lunch.
The best part of the date lunch, dessert.
By this time, Oliver was enjoying a cuddle in my lap. (ahhhh) I had two bites and he said "Mommy, no more for you". Hmm... I guess he liked LOVED it. He is not a big dessert eater, so this surprised me. He loved it so much he actually used a straw to get the last bit of ice cream that had melted. I must say, in my two bites I noticed it was great! There was something different and very yummy about the chocolate.
The two of us had great fun and it was wonderful to spend one on one time together. The added bonus, we got all of my mall errands done.
Friday, January 14, 2011
Weekend at Home
On Saturday morning, Kellan had a bath and some naked time.
He's thinking the weekend is off to a perfect start.
On Sunday, the snow was suppose to fly and the temperatures were supposed to drop so we got Oliver outside for some fresh air and exercise on Saturday.
He hasn't figured out yet that he can run but he can't hide from the camera.
Keith installed the fluorescent kitchen light in the garage. It is such a nice addition to the garage. Seriously!
Oliver and Keith checking something out in their matching vests.
I loved the ensemble Keith had Oliver in. It made me laugh. Ski hat, long sleeve shirt, down vest, khaki pants and light up Spider Man snow boots. (Oliver Loves his snow boots and wishes he could wear them every day!)

Kellan and I ventured down to the mailbox.
Oliver stopped for a quick photo in the garage.
Ring-around-the tree, the camera can't catch me!
(That's what he thinks)
"I'm digging a house for the ants" said Oliver
After a while, Kellan's nose was getting cold so he and I went in the house, where he proceeded to fall asleep and take a little nap on the couch.
As I was enjoying some peace and quiet and a few minute of one of my favorite shows, Oliver came in from outside. He jumped up on the couch right next to me and proceeded to take a nap, after about 2 minutes of sitting still.
On Sunday, it snowed. Look to the right side of the photo and you can see the snow in the back yard.
Oliver painted farm animals that he got from his friend Evelyn. It was a perfect snowy day activity. The box said it would take an hour and a half. I knew better than that. It took Oliver about 20 minutes to declare he was done. He loved it!
Saying "Cheese" with his final collection of farm animals, one tractor and one barn.
Sunday, January 9, 2011
Hollywood Smile
Between Christmas and New Years, Oliver had the pleasure of going to the dentist for the first time. He did really well and let them clean and floss his teeth. He got a clean bill of health with no cavities. YAY! He wouldn't lay down though. I think it was too closely related to laying down at the doctor, which is usually followed by sharp shots in the leg. It is a pediatric dentist, so they were prepared for anything and they were very flexible to clean his teeth while he sat up. They said he had a "Hollywood Smile" which means that his teeth are close together and touching or close to touching. This also means that when his adult teeth come in, they will probably be crowded. Looks like braces are in our future.
When we left he said he liked the dentist, it didn't hurt, it was fun but he doesn't want to go back. Too bad kiddo. Your next appointment is already set up six months down the road.
If you can believe it, I forgot my camera this day so this is a picture from my phone.
Monday, January 3, 2011
New Years with Nana and Papa
Keith's parents, Nana and Papa were here for New Years on their way to Texas. We had planned to spend New Years Eve with friends, but the host families son got sick so our plans were changed. Instead, we went to dinner with Keith's parents and his Uncle Jim and Aunt Donna. After dinner, Nana and Papa came back to our house where Oliver "taught" Papa how to play Hungry Hippos. I think they were probably debating the rules to the game here.
Happy New Years!
Dad with his boys, Oliver and Kellan.
Kellan has been working on rolling over. He is getting there, it's just a stages and gradual process.
Stage One: Look cute on your tummy so Mom takes a pictures.
Stage Two: roll the top half over onto the side. The bottom half is large and in charge of itself.
Stage Three: Catch the bottom half up with the top half and deem the process a successful roll over.
The entire process takes at least 10 minutes, so we haven't captured it on video yet. We will once the process is a little quicker.
Kellan thoroughly enjoyed cuddle time with Nana.
Keith and his Dad worked on upgrading our kitchen, once again. When they were here in September they installed new appliances. This time, it was can lighting to replace the fluorescent light and new pull out drawers in our pots/pans cupboard.
I'm thinking about using these photo as a "what not to do" safety moment at work. What's missing? Safety glasses and a proper step stool.

Double time.
Dinner was approaching and we decided the original three lights weren't enough. Keith and his Dad kicked it up and got in all six lights before dinner. The finished results look amazing.
Meanwhile, in the living room, Oliver was busy building his own contraptions.
Kellan was working on his bouncing skills.
Oliver and Kellan sharing a sit.
Papa and Nana with their grandsons, Oliver and Kellan.
Here is a video of the Hamilton boys dog pile/pyramid. It is also a sign of how much we, as parents, have relaxed with kid #2. I would have FREAKED if this was happening around Oliver. Also notice how Kellan takes it all in stride.
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