*** This post is so long that additional posts from today are on the next page. Be sure to click "Older Posts" on the bottom of the page***
The following photos are all from the past ten days as a family of four. They are from two cameras and three memory cards, therefore, they are not really in chronological order. Since time is not always plentiful with a new baby, I thought I should get these posted and not worry too much about what order they are in. Grandma also has two cameras and three memory cards full of photos that I will post later. They include events like the first family photo, first bath, first trip to the park, etc. In the meantime, enjoy the scroll through our past many days.
Oliver LOVES to see "his Kellan" and give him soft touches, hugs and kisses.

You will also see many sleeping poses by Kellan through this post.
This was his first ride in the swing, which Oliver was not a fan of. So far, it seems that Kellan enjoys it. We are so glad that we might actually get some use out it.
Miss Jen meets Kellan for the first time.
Kellan goes for a big stretch.
Another peaceful sleeping pose.
Keith spends time with his two boys.
Oliver practicing holding his baby brother all by himself.
Going in for a hug.
Kellan's first Doctor visit. He got a clean bill of health and had lost 7 oz since birth, which is very normal.
Mommy and Kellan waiting for the Doctor to come in.
Dad is such a nut! He took this self portrait and probably didn't think I would actually post it. Surprise!
Some more crazy sleeping poses.
You would think it was the middle of winter and not August when Kellan arrived. However, we discovered he is different than Oliver in that he loves to be bundled up. Oliver was always hot and we were always taking blankets and clothes off of him.
Ahh.... the full belly pose, passed out at the bar.
Nothing is better than being cozy with Grandma.
Outside, soaking up some warm weather and indirect rays of sunshine.
Kellan's first walk to the park. In our defense of the big bundling, it was only 69 degrees this morning.
One evening, we took Oliver for ice cream. YUM!
Kellan and Mommy at a Cheesecake Factory lunch date with Grandma.
I see Kellan eying the to-go cheesecake bag, wondering when he gets to break into that yumminess!
Oliver checking our Kellan's floor gym. Another one of Oliver's many hand-me-downs.
A quiet snuggle just before bedtime.
Kellan's second bath. The first bath photos are on Grandma's memory card and will come in the next post.
Grandma has the magic touch with bath time. He was very calm, unlike the first bath. Maybe the sauna like bathroom was a bonus, thanks to the morning sun warming it up.
Kellan has a fountain just like what's in the back-yard.
Hopefully his plumbing is more reliable than what is in the back yard.
Another crazy sleeping pose. Yes, this kid sleeps a lot, for now.
Oliver is one lucky kid. Not only did he get a new baby brother and two full weeks with Grandma, Grandma spoiled him with some new sharks too!
Mommy spoiled him with a new puzzle. The wrapper said for ages 5+. The board states that it's not for children under the age of 3. I guess these people have never met Oliver. The first time or two he needed "suggestions" on where to put pieces. Now, he puts the United States together with little to no help in five minutes or less. Yes, he amazes us each and every time he takes it on.
Our two babies. It's crazy to think that Oliver was Kellan's size just under three years ago.
Grandma preparing Kellan for his first bath.
Keith discovered puzzles on the computer and one night, Oliver wanted puzzles before bed instead of a story.
My attempt to capture the true lighting with two subjects that wouldn't sit still for a flash-less photo.
All is well at the Hamilton house. We are truly blessed with two handsome boys. Grandma leaves tomorrow and we are really sad that two weeks of having her here is already ending. I don't think it was so quick for Grandpa back home as he can't wait to have her back. The first two weeks have been very enjoyable and much of that is thanks to the help and company of Grandma.
Come again SOON!!!
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