Monday, August 16, 2010

They call it "Nesting"

In the weeks before a baby arrives, it is referred to as "nesting" when a woman rushes to get last minute things done in preparation for the arrival.  Around our house we refer to it as, hurry up and get all of this stuff done because we know that for the next several months our life will be taken over by a little person who has a schedule and agenda of their own.  This has been our story for several weeks, if not the past couple of months.  It's not like life is ending, but sometimes you would think that it is with all of the chores we decide must be done immediately.  Now that we are getting so close to the babies arrival, each spare moment is filled with "to-do" items that must get done because this may be our last spare moment.  Keep in mind, we still haven't packed our bags for the hospital.  Where are our priorities? So dramatic, I know.  With this, we don't have much to share from this past weekend and it doesn't strike me as exciting to take pictures of the car seat cover washing, last minute decorating touches, laundry, etc.  Keith even washed the windows, inside and out.  YAY!  They look fabulous and it was a long over due chore.  We did find time on Sunday morning to make breakfast, where I took a couple of photos of Oliver helping to stir the waffle batter.  He has become quite the helper and we notice that he's much happier if he is involved and helping.  Therefore, we give him tasks.  Maybe this is also our type "A" personalities working on delegating.  
We are hoping to have great news soon about the arrival of our youngest son.  In the meantime, it's chores (nesting) for those of us in the Hamilton house.

1 comment:

Becky said...

Can't wait to hear your newest son is here! :) Enjoy your nesting and anticipation of baby boy's arrival. :) What a FUN TIME!

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