Monday, August 16, 2010

37 Weeks

Last Wednesday I had my 37 week check-up.  This was also the last time I took belly photos with Oliver, so I decided that I should do a side by side photo comparison.
The Dr visit went well.  Baby is still measuring big at 39 weeks.  I have another ultra sound later this week and I'm anxious to see what kind of progress he has had.  He is still quite active and likes to push his way around in my belly.  Sleeping has become more and more difficult and occasionally (like this morning) I notice that I'm not walking as fast as I used too.  Then, it rained today and I noticed how I was able to really pick up the pace when needed to get through the weather.  My belly seems to be sticking out more than with Oliver and looking back at these photos I notice one big difference, I look much more tired this time.  Some of it could have been the day or the fact that I didn't have the glistening sun shining down on me.  By the time we took these photos the sun was nearly down for the day.  The look of exhaustion is not made up, getting caught up on rest is more difficult this time.  My job is much more demanding and Oliver keeps us quite busy. As always, Keith is a real trooper and encourages me to rest as much as possible, which I find very helpful.
Each and every day we are closer and closer to meeting our new little guy.  We are all excited to meet him, hold him and spoil him with affection.  Oliver is especially excited to hold him and celebrate his birthday, complete with a present and cupcake from his big brother.  Yes, we will be introducing the baby to his family right, with a birthday party, right out of the gate.

Carrie and baby belly at 37 weeks - 08-11-2010

Carrie and baby Oliver belly at 37 weeks - September 2007

1 comment:

rbgarner said...

maybe tired but you still look good. Another change - flower box ~ no flower box. Hum...

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