Last week, Keith called me upstairs after Oliver's bath. I could tell by the tone in his voice that it might be a photo op. I grabbed the camera and this is what I found at the top of the stairs...

Our very own Santa's Little Helper, complete with night cap.

Oliver insisted on wearing the hat, which we thought was super cute.

20 minutes later, he was sound asleep in his bed, night cap and all.

The next morning, at 5 AM, I checked on Oliver when I got up for work.
Ok, so I really wanted to know if he was still wearing his hat. Sure enough, he was! I had to be to work at 6 AM that day, so Keith got him out of bed. He said when he went into Oliver's room he was standing in his crib with the hat in his hand, asking for help to put it back on his head. So Cute!
What a little character!
love the outfit. He is just too cute.
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