Last weekend, Keith's brother Jeff and his wife Lindsey came to visit us for the weekend from San Diego. We had a great time and really enjoyed having them here. We hope they come back again soon.
Oliver and Uncle Jeff enjoyed building stuff with Oliver's Trio. I think we may have a future engineer on our hands, following in the Hamilton foot steps.

Jeff trying to get the helicopter to balance on the landing pad. You can probably guess, it didn't turn out so well.

Just the boys.

Saturday, Lindsey, Oliver and I went to a holiday party and Jen and Parker were there. I thought Parker was so cute in this hat, I just had to take his picture.

Aunt Lindsey bought Oliver the sponge animals that are in a plastic
capsule. You know, the ones you put in hot water and watch what animal comes out of the
capsule. Oliver loved them and carried them around the rest of the weekend.

Just the boys, again. The guys whipped up some Fajitas for dinner and we invited over Jeff's college buddy, Connor and his wife Molly for dinner.

Oliver spent some quality time taking stickers off a page and placing them on the floor. I love the look of concentration on his face. Such detail. Keith thinks he gets these traits of fine detail from Grandpa Garner.

Saturday night, Oliver had us ALL rolling with side splitting laughter. He was hammering in the corner, with his
rockstar glasses.

Connor and Oliver hammering.

If hammering with
Rockstar glasses wasn't funny enough, he pursed out his lips.
It was a total crack up!

Sunday morning we woke up to a winter wonderland. Jeff and Lindsey were quite excited since they don't get snow in San Diego. Lindsey was SO excited that she ran outside to shovel. I wish she was here for every snow storm.

You'll notice Keith ran out into the garage to take the pictures (which is why they are dark) and then left Lindsey to move into action. She really did shovel the whole driveway.

Sunday night, Oliver with Uncle Jeff and Aunt Lindsey.
We had a great time and we were sad that the weekend went so fast. We hope to see you again soon!
Uncle Jeff and Aunt Lindsey taught Oliver to put his hand on his belly and say "Ho, Ho, Ho" like santa. So Cute!
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