Saturday morning Oliver and I went to the Stapleton neighborhood yard sale with Jen and Parker. It was quite large but we didn't find many hidden treasures. I was hoping to find some "yard toys" for Oliver to climb on. The only one we found wasn't for sale. We did find this great car track for $1. I'm thinking it is the best dollar I've spent in a very long time. It was missing a lot of stickers and some of the parts aren't quite good as new, but Oliver loves it.

He was so cute!
Jen trying to get Parker to smile for the camera. He had plenty of smiles to go around, until I pulled out the camera.

Once Oliver was up, he headed to the garage to help Dad with his latest project. Keith is working on a shelving unit for Oliver's toys in his bedroom. Oliver was sure to inspect all of his Dad's handy work and keep a close eye on the progress.

" Nice Work Dad! You are going to sand this, right?"
In Hamilton family fashion, Oliver and I took a few self portraits just so that everyone would know that I was there too. Ha ha!!

"Ok, Mom... too many pictures!"
Oliver struttin' his stuff with the rides!
Since the garage was now a work shop for the afternoon and the cars were in the driveway, Oliver was hanging in their shadows with Madalyn's feather stick. He LOVES this toy. Why do we buy him his own toys when he prefers Madalyn's?
Checking the tire pressure. He learned this from Grandpa Garner. HA HA!!
Saturday night we went to a wedding vow renewal ceremony. That's right folks... the day keeps going!!!
Oliver playing with bubbles in the grass.

My friend Michelle from work was renewing her wedding vows with her husband Jason. They have been married for 12 years and now have two daughters. The ceremony was beautiful, the reception was fabulous and we had a GREAT time!

Anyone have a pocket protector for this kid?
Blowing bubbles with Miss Rita

There was a great dinner at the wedding but Oliver preferred his blueberries and gold fish. Who needs a fancy dinner when you have SNACKS!
They had a great candy bar for the kids (and big kids, right?) that was full of all kinds of yummy treats. Oliver was in luck! They had dum dum suckers!!
They also had "clapper" noise making toys, which he LOVES! 
Like most weddings, the kids are a hit on the dance floor. It was great fun to watch Oliver win over the crowd with his moves. He found himself a friend, Page, to dance with as well.

Keith about died laughing at this time. They started a train through the reception that ended up with everyone on the dance floor. Oliver was right in line with the train, laughing the whole way.
Mama swooped in for a spin on the dance floor and Miss Rita was also there having fun with Oliver. He LOVED IT!!
"Come on Dad, it's Boogie Fever!"
Oliver working the crowd during the chicken dance.

Directing the flow during a classic wedding line dance.
Alas, all good parties must come to an end. Finally at 10 PM we peeled Oliver off of the dance floor and shuffled him into the car. Moments later he was sound asleep. 
Of course, just because Saturday was packed full of fun doesn't mean Sunday won't be as well. It is THAT time of year again... Nordstrom's Anniversary Sale. WOOHOO!!!

We had a great time! Congratulations Michelle and Jason!!

The next morning Oliver was up at 7:30. He hasn't quite figured out that it is ok to follow a great party with a later wake up time. We enjoyed a quiet morning sipping coffee and watching Oliver enjoy his $1 find. I'm still thinking this is the best dollar spent in quite some time.

Jen, Parker and I spent the day at the mall in search of great deals. I found something for the whole family, including new shoes for Oliver this winter. I knew he liked shoes, but not this much. He seriously was so excited and loved them. I have a great video that is super cute but it won't upload :( Yes, this truly is a kid after my own heart... and feet!
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