On Sunday, he suggested that I should go and get a massage. His reason is because I am always much happier afterwards. I disregard the fact that I could twist this around to mean that he thinks I'm cranky. No, I fully acknowledge the fact that he is the best husband ever, call Massage Envy to get an immediate appointment and skip out the door with a passing kiss to Keith and Oliver. I am fully aware that the countless hours of work that I mentioned in the last post gets all knotted up in my neck and back and life is always more pleasant when someone releases all of that tension. Ahhhh.....
As I skipped out the door I left the camera with Keith just in case Oliver had some cute moments. You know me, I never let a moment pass without a few photos. That morning we FINALLY set up Oliver's pool for him. We bought this pool last summer with high expectations to lounge on the hot summer days. A year later, we put it to use and Oliver couldn't get enough of it. That is, if he was on the outside splashing in. He wouldn't get inside, but he was all about splish splashing from the edge. Can you blame him? The water was CHILLY!!!!

This is Oliver going for the setup.
Hmmm... I asked, setup for what?
Keith and Oliver were taking turns pretending to be Super Man on this plastic end table. As much as I shook my head in amazement, I couldn't stop laughing!
I think this sideways twist has a name in the snow boarding world, but as a skier I wouldn't know. Anyone??

It's a Plane!
It's an End Table Super Man!!!!