Here are a few pictures of Oliver, Keith and Madalyn kickin' around the back yard last week. (Can You find Madalyn?) Yes, I was there too but as usual, I was snapping the pictures. We have really been enjoying the nice weather, when it decides to stick around. The week days have been great and the weekends have been rainy. This past weekend we got 3-4" of rain, depending on where you are in the Denver Metro area. We didn't measure ourselves so we have to go by what the weather people say. I heard someone tease today that the western side of the United States fell into the ocean and we are now the Pacific Northwest. I'm starting to believe it with this weather. Of course, if this really does happen, I hope all of our friends and family out there have good boats!!!

Is that a Cat Tail growing out of Oliver's nose, or is it just Madalyn on the loose?

Oliver finds it entertaining to find rocks or bark (in this case) that is out of place and put it back where it belongs. Let's hope this lasts well into his teen years so that we can avoid the "Clean Your Room" arguments.

Proof that Oliver has a great sense of hearing and sight, he LOVES to see the airplanes fly over. Keep in mind, they are usually WAY up there!!! Here he is scoping one out. Airplane is also one of the words he uses often. He has also started saying "no" but can't quite grasp "yes". We are trying to teach him but when the answer is "yes" he usually just stares at us like it isn't a question but an obvious answer. If only parents were gifted as mind readers!
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