Happy Mothers Day! This is one of my new favorite days of the year. It makes me sit back and think about all of the great parts about being a Mom. I'm
thankful every day that Oliver made me a Mom, especially when he gives me big bear hugs and sloppy kisses.
Ahhh... they're the best! Unfortunately, Oliver was a little under the weather and not up for celebrating. He was up at 4:30 AM but Keith let me sleep in. (Isn't he the best?!) At 7:30 when I got up I noticed Oliver wasn't quite himself. He had been very cranky all morning and he was very sleepy during breakfast. After we had the super yummy french toast Keith made me, I took Oliver up to his room for quiet time. We thought he might just need a nap. He made it through 1.5 books and then he was sound asleep. After a cuddle from Mom (I still think there is nothing like a Mom cuddle) I put him down for a morning nap. 4 hours later, he woke up in a great mood. He ate a great lunch of chicken noodle soup and crackers. Then he played happily in the living room. The plan was to go and get a new golf bag for Mothers Day. Since Oliver felt up for it, we headed out. Keith and I were a bit under the weather as well. We think it is
allergies, but maybe we all have a touch of a cold. Who knows?!
We headed off to Golfsmith. I asked for a new golf bag and Keith thought I needed new clubs. Ok, so I've had mine since 1992, but can clubs really change that much? Well, I was shocked at how much different they are now. While I was testing out the new clubs Oliver was working on his putting. Of course, his style of putting was just putting as many balls as he could find in the hole. This was fine until he started getting close to customers who were actually putting. If we would have let him he would have put their balls in his hole also. He also enjoyed bouncing the balls down the aisles. It kept him happy, which kept up happy and willing to spend money. Talk about customer service! It didn't hurt that there weren't too many people in there. Do Mom's not shop golf on Mothers Day?

It started as a request for a new bag. After testing irons, woods and a driver, I walked out with a new bag complete with new clubs. SWEET! I am quite exited to try them out. The BAG (beer and golf) League starts on Tuesday so I hope the clubs help shave a stroke or two off of my game. Do you wonder what kind of golf league starts with beer in the title? Well, one that was started with employees from Coors, of course. Watch out guys, I'm ready now!
After our great purchase (complete with coupons,
cha ching!) Oliver and I posed out front the store. What a great son to buy his Mom new clubs! It is quite possible that he noticed Dad's wallet was a little lighter than it was before. Or, he may have been trying to figure out how to get it in his own pocket!

After our shopping trip, Oliver took me to Cherry Cricket for a burger. Not a fancy place, my favorite burger place in Denver and a great place when the weather is crummy. That's right, another weekend of rain. This is our sixth weekend in a row of crummy weather, but who's counting. At least it's nice during the week, which gives me a good excuse to get out of the office and walk up clear creek for some exercise and fresh air.
This isn't our best picture, but it is us on Mothers Day.

To all of you Mom's out there... HAPPY MOTHERS DAY!!!
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