We hope that everyone had a great Christmas. We had an excellent Christmas and we hope that you enjoy reading about it on this blog.
Christmas Eve came and we were all set for Santa. The only thing left to do was read Oliver his bedtime stories. Another new tradition is Keith likes to read The Night Before Christmas to Oliver on Christmas Eve.

AH... Mama LOVES gifts from JF Options! A new bracelet and necklace this year!!

Oliver checking out a new book.

Oliver checking to see if there is something exiting in the bag.

Keith, surprised with his new Blue Angle Citizen Eco Drive watch.

AH.... Being the cutest kid ever on Christmas Morning is very hard work.
Oliver taking a goldfish snack break.
Oliver taking a goldfish snack break.

Christmas Day, the Sanderson family with Phil, Shawna, Abigail and Ian came down from Fort Collins so that we could have dinner and then go to the zoo. They have Zoo Lights at night, which is a big Christmas Light display. If we were there by 4:00 we could use our zoo passes and not pay. If we got there later, they would re-open the gates at 5:00 and we would have to pay for zoo lights. We literally got in right as they were closing the gates at 4:00. Notice the gates are closed in the back ground. It was also a beautiful warm day in the 50's. What a great way to work off dinner and get some fresh air on Christmas!
Keith and Oliver scoping out the lions, tigers and bears... oh my!
These sea lions cracked me up with their pose. I think they had been sunning themselves in the evening sun. We got to them just as the sun was going down. They sat like this the whole time were were at their exhibit.

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