This year for Thanksgiving, the Hamilton's all came to our house. We had Keith's parents, his brother Brian with his wife Stephanie and their kids Lauren and
Kaden here from Sheridan, WY. His younger brother Jeff and his wife Lindsey flew in from San Diego.
To kick of Thanksgiving we took the kids to the park down the street. Here is Lauren pushing Oliver on the swing. I don't know that we can have too many pictures of Oliver having fun on the swing.

Oliver riding down the slide with Lauren

Lauren and Lindsey

Ding.... Turkey's Done!
Keith's Mom decided that he needed an apron for the slicing of the Turkey!

Keeping a close eye on the Turkey...

Keith, Jeff, Jacquie and Brian

Oliver reading a Christmas book to the group.

Now it's time for a Halloween story!

Since we won't all be together at Christmas we decided to exchange gifts at Thanksgiving.
Oliver was quite inquisitive as to what was on the coffee table. He typically likes a clean table and will take everything off of it.
Kaden loved his new car.

Keith showing off the seasoning from his Mom.

Oliver needed a cuddle.

"Oh wait... picture time... there is no time for cuddles!"
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