This weekend we went to Vail with Jen and Craig and had a great weekend in the snow. We went up on Friday night and Oliver was quite exited about our hotel accommodations. I think here he was wondering how he could hi-jack this big plush bed and put us in the pack-n-play instead.
We woke up to several inches of fresh snow and it continued to snow that morning. On the way up the lift the sun was trying to peek through, but it never did quite make it. 

Looking back over our shoulder on the chair lift, another view of Vail.
At the top at last! Here is Keith (in orange on the right) under the Blue Sky Overlook sign. It was the first day that Blue Sky was open. We usually head straight back there but there was a steady stream of people heading that direction so we steered clear and stayed on the front side where the lift lines were only about 10 people long and 5 minutes instead of many people long and 20 minutes or more. The snow was amazing and we had a great time!
Looking out over Vail Valley.
This was about the time we got a text from Craig that Oliver had successfully managed to chow down three pancakes, he was rubbing his belly and they were going to take him out for a walk. They probably thought that he was rubbing his belly to say he was happy and full. Actually, it means Please and he probably would have tackled another pancake if they would have let him. This weekend he became quite proficient with Please, More and occasionally Thank You in sign language.
It was nearly noon so I needed to head back to relieve Craig and Jen and Craig was going to head out to ski with Keith.

This was about the time we got a text from Craig that Oliver had successfully managed to chow down three pancakes, he was rubbing his belly and they were going to take him out for a walk. They probably thought that he was rubbing his belly to say he was happy and full. Actually, it means Please and he probably would have tackled another pancake if they would have let him. This weekend he became quite proficient with Please, More and occasionally Thank You in sign language.

On the way down to Vail Village, Keith stopped for a moment to demonstrate the new snow on the sidelines.

Striking a pose before calling it a day.
After Jen, Oliver and I had lunch at the Red Lion, we took a small stroll and Oliver and I stopped to strike a pose at the creek that rolls through town.
Saturday night we all went out to dinner before Jen and Craig went to The Fray concert at the outdoor Ford Theater. We opted out of the concert since it was outdoors and we had the munchkin in tow.

Hail, Hail, the gang's all Here!
Keith, Oliver and Craig
Carrie, Jen and Baby Stack, which we fondly refer to as Short Stack (baby boy due in April).
Oliver after dinner, fired up to go out in the cold!
Little did Oliver know... it was snowing!!!! Not just a little... but A LOT!!!!
Family photo by the fountain. BRRRR.... time for a fire side chat.

Oliver and Keith catching up on some important studies by Dr Seuss.
Oliver LOVES to read. Can't you tell?
Who wouldn't love to read about Dr Seuss' sheep?
Oliver and Carrie snuggling tight!
Oliver running laps around the fire side coffee table.
Sunday morning we woke up to 12" of fresh snow and the snow continued to fall. You can't tell in this picture, but it was still snowing. Oliver isn't sleeping, his eyes are shut from the snow blowing around. He was all bundled up though and he was quite toasty.
I thought this was quite humorous. There was a steady stream of skiers flowing through Vail Village, anxious to hit first tracks. Not us, we were strolling around with a baby. I guess we've traded in our ski's for a stroller!! HA HA!! Well, today, anyway.
Let it Snow, Let is Snow, Let it Snow!
Keith and Oliver walking back into our hotel. Notice there wasn't any snow on the sidewalks in Vail. That is because the main sidewalks are all heated so the snow doesn't stick around.
We headed out early today in order to beat the traffic and reduce our chances of being stranded in the mountains. I-70 has been closed several times over the past two years and we didn't want to get stuck up there due to the roads being closed. What do you do when you're entertaining yourself in the car? Take pictures, of course!
Our fearless driver!
Oliver, happy as a back seat driver.
Self Portrait. Can't forget to document that I was here too, ya know.

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