For our first full day in Kauai we hired a nanny to stay with Oliver and we went on a boat tour of the NaPali coast. Essentially it was a big motorized raft. There were 13 tourists and 2 tour guides. We had to be there at 6:45 AM. What is with all of these early morning adventures?! The trip was about 6 hours long and included a stop on a beach to tour an original Hawaiian habitat, snorkel, and lunch. On our way out to the coast we saw several turtles swimming in the water. We also saw spinner dolphins several times. They were right next to our boat and swimming all around us. They even surfed in our wake. I'm not sure how many we saw but we would see about 8-14 on the surface at once and the guide said that there could be seven times more under the water. We saw different dolphin pods several times. They were EVERYWHERE!!! It was amazing!!
Dolphins beside the boat with the NaPali coast straight ahead.
The guide tried to get the dolphins in the background but missed them. You can see the dark spot over our heads, which was where they were.
Some of the NaPali coast photos we liked.

Inside one of the caves that was more like a big bowl.

On the beach and ready to go snorkeling!

When we got back to the hotel we took Oliver swimming. The water was very warm, which he loved. Do you see Keith's little friend in the picture?
That evening we went to Tidepools for dinner. Tidepools is rated one of the best restaurants on the island and we were fortunate enough that it was at our hotel.

"Hey there big guy!"
"You talkin' to me?!"
Family photo, ahhhh
The view by our table
Having fun at dinner
MMMMM Mai Tai!!!

We had to take a picture of Oliver's very first personalized pupu platter. His meal came with an appetizer, entree and dessert. Lucky kid!
This is to showcase the macaroni in his hair. I took a video clip of him rubbing macaroni and cheese in the side of his hair but it turned out very dark. We have noticed that this is the new tired and done eating sign.

Keith thought this was quite humorous so he took their picture.

For more photos of Day 5 go to:
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