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On our fourth day, Monday, we were leaving the busy city of Honolulu and heading for quieter times on the island of Kauai. We had an afternoon island to island flight out of Honolulu to Lihue, Kauai. Since we had a day of travel ahead of us, we started with a light breakfast and a walk around town. I was quite exited to be greeted by a Coors Light truck right outside of our hotel. I thought all of your Coors fans and employees reading this would appreciate this too :) It was great to see our presence in Hawaii and Yes, we had Coors Light in the hotel refrigerator at all times.

Have you ever seen a Ferrari store?

Oliver showing off the Ferrari in the window.

This picture almost shows off the new bottom tooth. There are actually two bottom teeth but the second one is hard to see. You'll just have to trust us on this one.

After the city walk we strolled through a park we found right next to the trump tower that is in the process of being built.

And then... it was nap time. If we bore Oliver THIS much now, just wait until he is a teenager.

Keith thought this was quite entertaining to take all of our picture through these bushes. Do you think Oliver was entertained as he snored the day away? HA HA!!

Our flight to Kauai was event less. We expected a small prop plane but it ended up being a small jet. We stayed at the Grand Hyatt
http://www.kauai.hyatt.com/hyatt/hotels/index.jsp, which I highly recommend. The grounds were beautiful and the rooms were beyond our expectations. Here are a couple of pictures I took before we destroyed it with all of our luggage. I took pictures of our ocean view, but that wasn't until day 5 or 6. Oliver's favorite part of the room was tumbling on the bed and the fuzzy bathroom rug.

The lobby of the hotel from the ocean side.
The grass was nicer than most golf greens I have been on.

This is the slide that was BEYOND fun!!! Keith and I took turns going down since Oliver didn't meet the height requirement. I know it looks mellow in this picture but it was actually much longer and quite fast.

After a long day, we headed out to find some groceries and dinner. We happened upon a pizza place and had a Hawaiian pizza, in Hawaii.

For more Day 4 photos, go to:
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