On the third day of vacation (do you feel like we should sing the 12 days of vacation (Christmas?) we spent time at Waikiki beach and topped the night off with a Paradise Cove Luau.

I just thought these two were too cute not to share.

This was during Oliver's one and only nap in the crib. We knew that we had a long night ahead of us so we thought he should take a decent nap. Little did we know that the rest of the vacation naps would be on the go.
At 3:30 PM the bus picked us up for the sunset Luau at Paradise Cove.
Mother and son.
I have always admired the slipper necklace from NaHoku in travel magazines. We spotted a store in Waikiki so we had to go check it out. Keith surprised me by buying it for me for our 4th anniversary (Sept 25). Here is a photo of it in the sunset light.Hugs and Kisses from Hawaii!!!
Oliver received a Shell lei when we arrived. There were also games to play when we got there and they gave you a shell lei. Oliver donned the shell lei's with pride and LOVED playing with them.
The sunset behind us while they pulled the pig out of the roasting pig. I will also point out that my feet were literally attacked by red biting ants while I was taking these photos of the sunset. I must have been standing in a nest or something because all of a sudden I felt them biting my feet. I haven't had a red ant attack since I was too little to remember and I sat on a log full of them, according to my Mom. After this, I can't imagine having them all over my body. My feet itched like crazy. We went to the gift shop for some benodryl or something but they didn't have any. Luckily, their first aide guy came to the rescue and gave my some hydrocordizone, which did the trick. Without it I would have had a LONG night.
Dinner was OK for the luau, but we really enjoyed the show. Oliver LOVED the music and dancing. He was a clapping machine!
Even with all of the excitement, Oliver couldn't keep his eyes open for the whole show. He fell asleep and slept all of the way home.
The photos uploaded out of order but for more photos of Day 3 go to: http://www.kodakgallery.com/I.jsp?c=19ph730x.5w1zmbqd&x=0&y=swimtz&localeid=en_US
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