This past weekend my parents, AKA Grandma and Grandpa Garner, came to visit from Washington. Oliver LOVED having them here. He was spoiled with attention and love all weekend long. I'm sure he had a lot to tell his friends at school this morning. Between my Mom and I you would have thought the paparazzi were here taking photos of Oliver with all of the camera flashes. Here are some photos from the weekend.
Oliver also learned a few new things while he had a four day weekend with Grandma and Grandpa. He crawled 4 "steps" or knee bends, however you want to look at it. He mastered feeding himself Cheerios and banana. He started sitting up straight in his crib so we had to lower it a level before he realized that he could "alleoup" over the side. He is working on saying Grandpa with a paPA. It was a quick pa with a long Pa. Well, he said this every time Grandpa came around so I'm guessing that was what he was saying. I don't think I updated the blog with his first words, but he was saying a lot of MAMAMAMA and DADADADA several weeks ago. I guess he thinks he has mastered these words because I haven't heard them in almost 2 weeks.
Oliver also learned a few new things while he had a four day weekend with Grandma and Grandpa. He crawled 4 "steps" or knee bends, however you want to look at it. He mastered feeding himself Cheerios and banana. He started sitting up straight in his crib so we had to lower it a level before he realized that he could "alleoup" over the side. He is working on saying Grandpa with a paPA. It was a quick pa with a long Pa. Well, he said this every time Grandpa came around so I'm guessing that was what he was saying. I don't think I updated the blog with his first words, but he was saying a lot of MAMAMAMA and DADADADA several weeks ago. I guess he thinks he has mastered these words because I haven't heard them in almost 2 weeks.
Oliver was skipping school to be with his Grandparents on Friday and he even got to go out to lunch and try his first bread stick. Every time he put it in his mouth he got the funniest look on his face. I think he was confusing it with a banana.
By the way... it is SO nice that he is finally big enough to sit in the restaurant high chairs. The time between when he was little enough to stay in his car seat and big enough for the high chair was tough for eating out.
Keith says this is a Garner trait since both my Dad and I smell our food.

Oliver had his 3rd swim lesson. He was tired and a little cranky so it took him a while to warm up to swim lessons. (Notice the deer in the head lights look) Keith also said the pool was a little cooler than usual. We noticed that several of the kids let out a squeal when they first got in. Maybe the temperature wasn't as warm as usual. They played with the noodles for the first time, which Oliver and Keith liked.

My friend Laurie, who now lives in Orlando, FL, was in Denver for a radiology convention. She flew in on Saturday night and Keith and I went downtown to see her. Laurie and I met when she was stationed at Fairchild AFB in Spokane and I was in my first year of college. 13 years later we still keep in touch.

Keith and I have only been in the BMW together twice since Oliver was born. Needless to say, when he's in the back seat, I don't fit in the front seat because we have to push the seat forward so far. (Don't worry, we put the top up when he's in the back) This is Keith and I on our way home, sitting at a stop light downtown.

This concludes 2 days of Mom and Dad's visit with 2 more to post. Stay tuned for the next installment of their visit.
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