Saturday and Sunday I spent my time with 90,000 people in 100 degree heat at the Mile High Music Festival.
YIPPEEE!!!!, Keith and I went to the festival together and Oliver stayed home with Ashley, our new found baby-sitter. Ashley is 1 of 8 kids. Yikes! I think she can handle Oliver if she can handle that. Oliver seems to love her and was a true champ while we were out. We are exited that we found Ashley through a friends recommendation.
We arrived at the festival at 3 PM and the car read 104 degrees. The "official" temp on the news was a high of 99, but we know they are never exactly right. We stood in the heat and watched Jason
Mraz right off the bat. After the show we met up with Jen, Craig and Bryan in the
KBCO shade tent. We saw several more shows including Steve
Windwood, O.A.R, Michael
Franti and ended the evening with Tom Petty. Keith confirmed with me that he doesn't really enjoy concerts but he still had a good time. The irony is that we met at a concert. Not just any concert, but one that was all afternoon with 5 bands. Maybe back then it was different because that concert was country and he was in the market to pick up chicks. Lucky for me, he was there. We met during Dwight
Yee Haw!!! I Do Love Dwight!! :)
Day 2... How could we go a full weekend without a snap shot or two of Oliver. Here is Oliver in the convertible right before I headed off for Day 2. He seemed to love
chillin' in the front seat like a big guy.

Since Keith happily volunteered to stay home for a Father Son day I headed off with Jen, Craig, Katie and Bryan. When we arrived at 1:30 the car read 99 degrees. According to the news we topped out at 100 degrees. Once again, we balanced the day between sunshine and shade, which is a sure sign we're getting older, or maybe wiser. We also opted for $3 bottles of water in lieu or standing in line for water out of a garden hose. We complained amongst ourselves (and packed our own the next day) when the Port-A-
Potty's ran out of toilet paper, we opted to stand toward the back to avoid fighting the crowds and we left before the final act was complete in order to avoid heavy traffic. Definitely acts of being wiser, so I'll tell myself.
Sunday was a great day of music also. We kicked it off with Ingrid
Michaelson followed by One
Colbie Caillat, Flogging Molly,
Flobots, John
Mayer and the finisher, Dave Mathews Band.
Overall, it was a great weekend. Here are a few photos and videos to help share our adventure.
Carrie and Keith self portrait at Jason Mraz

Carrie and Jen self portrait at O.A.R.

Keith and Carrie relaxing in the shade tent

Carrie and Jen heading off to find dinner

Bryan and Keith, happy at last !

"I think I see Tom Petty, WAY up there!"

Day 2, Jen, Katie and Carrie ready for John Mayer

This reminds me of the Cingular commercial
Bryan, Craig, Jen, Katie and Carrie

Concert reviews:
This is a tid-bit of Tom Petty. Yes, we really were THAT far away!!
I had to post this of Jen and her friends fiance at Flogging Molly. It just cracks me up. It reminds me of the energizer bunny: She keeps going... and going...
Here is a little clip of Dave Mathews Band. I was quite disappointed in their performance, but it is what it is.