Tuesday, August 18, 2015

First Day of School 2015

The only downside to taking the road to Celebration was that I missed the first day of school.  As much of a bummer as it was, I talked with the boys and they were ok with having a boys weekend and getting off to the first day of school without me.  Daddy was given specific instructions on the photos to take, which he passed with flying colors.  The photos were perfect!
Aren't they adorably handsome?!!!

Oliver was super excited to be entering the 2nd grad.

Kellan was excited but a little less enthralled with 4KII.  For Kellan, it was the same classroom that he had been in all summer so the only different was the shirt that he wore.
I can't believe how big they are getting.  Big or not, they are ready to take on another school year and they are handsome as ever.
At school, Keith even got the traditional first day of school photo in front of the sign.
Looking good, Mr Hamilton.  2nd Grade is ready for you!
Not only Oliver ready for the 2nd grade but so was his buddies.  Oliver, Adriano and Chase; handsome as ever.
Happy First day of school, Oliver and Kellan.  4KII and 2nd Grade is going to be AMAZING!!!

1 comment:

rbgarner said...

Keith did great with the pictures. The boys look fabulous. I love how happy they are to go to school.

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