Monday, June 2, 2014

Dawson Dog

When Oliver was 11 weeks old, he was hospitalized with RSV.  They told us that he may have an increased chance for Asthma.  1.5 years later and after numerous rapid breathing episodes, we took him to an allergy and asthma specialist only to discover that he did have asthma that was triggered by his allergy to dogs and cats.  At the time we had a 14 year old cat, Madalyn.  After Madalyn passed 2 years later, we knew that would likely be the end of furry friends in our home.  As much as we think that every kid should have a dog or cat, we know that this isn't in Oliver's best interest.

Then, along came Dawson Dog.  Or, should I say, then, we moved next door to Dawson.

Dawson lives next door and we adore her, as much as the rest of the family.  Dawson is one of the best dogs that you'll ever meet and when her family decided to go on vacation, we jumped at the offer to dog-sit.

Her family may have been on vacation, but Dawson may have been on a mini vacation of her own.  She would spend days and nights at home, but when Keith was in the home office or we were home in the evenings and over the weekend, she spend time with us at our home.  We Loved It!

We may have spoiled her a tad and the boys may have broken some of her fantastic training, like not to beg at the dinner table.

When your three and you're eating a hot dog, it's much more fun to talk to Dawson while eating than to talk with your brother.
There may be a lot to say to Dawson.
How can you resist peering into those beautiful brown eyes.
It's good to sway your feet around to see if she'll break eye contact.
Nope, still connected.
At the end, after Dawson so patiently watched most of the hotdog go down Kellan's hatch, we encouraged Kellan to give Dawson his very last teeny tiny bite.  He did.  She loved it.  We crossed our fingers that we didn't break her.
Later that evening, Keith spotted Oliver spending quality time with Dawson in the back yard.
Dawson may have thought that she was at the Doggy spa with a luxurious massage.

The boys LOVED the Dawson Dog watching.
They got their dog fix and we only had to pick up 2 piles of poop in our yard.  Really, this is a win win.

Dawson, you can vacation at our house anytime!

1 comment:

Jedi Mama said...

Gah!!!!! Look at that Gymboree T-shirt!!! We wore it in kindergarten and first grade at our house!!!

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