Monday, September 12, 2011

September 11, 2011

The ten year anniversary of 9-11 was a gorgeous day in Colorado, much like that day in history that changed our world.  In honor of those who lost their lives in 9-11 and and those who fight for our freedom, we flew our flag.
Oliver loves to see the flag and every time he does he calls out "An American Flag!".  He gets SO excited.  Wouldn't it be wonderful if every American was so inspired and excited every time they see an American flag?
This was also the day that I thought for a moment that Kellan was standing on his own.  I was doing some work in his room and from the corner of my eye, this is what I saw.
Ah.... tricky tricky, he was using his humidifier to prop his bottom.  He was SO excited and kept bouncing up and down.

Kellan is getting more and more brave when it comes to maneuvering in a standing position.
He loves playing with Oliver's letter board.  Maybe he's spelling out secret messages.
Letter board on the left and letter game on the right.  Secret messages?  Likely.

That afternoon we went outside to enjoy the fall weather.  We have had a very warm summer with very little relief from the heat.  This particular day it was in the low 70's so we enjoyed being outside without breaking a sweat.  Well... everyone except Kellan.  He was working on walking so I'm sure he was thinking he was on the edge of a sweaty break out.  

I have a video of Kellan working on walking as well.  Please check back to see it once I connect to a speedier Internet.  Keep in mind, we're on island speed here.  HA HA!!

With fall comes cooler weather and football!
With football comes moments on the couch as a couch potato.
Oliver's attention span isn't overly extended with football but he does enjoy relaxing with his Dad to watch the game from time to time.
Oliver is a natural, he's even got the couch potato posture.

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