On Saturday, September 25, 2010, Keith and I celebrated our six year wedding anniversary with an amazing dinner at the Melting Pot. We truly enjoyed the evening over a four course meal, reminiscing of our six years of marriage and eight plus years together while dreaming of our many years to come. Together, we have grown as individuals, as a couple and as a family. We have experienced life in our home, in our home state, in our neighboring states and across neighboring oceans. We have been truly blessed with two amazing boys who we cherish and love deeply and look forward to a lifetime full of memory making moments with. We are best friends, best companions and truly believe we are meant to be together. Fate really did shine upon us one rainy Mothers Day in May (5-12-2002) when we met in the most random place, a Brooks and Dunn concert. It just goes to show the planner in me, sometimes you have to throw caution to the wind and go where your dancing boots take you.

Our wedding day, September 25, 2004.
Rockland Community Church, Golden, CO.
This moment made us laugh, obviously.
The pastor declared "Carrie, you may kiss your husband". I love that!
Arrival at the reception
I had visions of clear blue Colorado skies, snow capped mountains and glowing fall leaves. Well, we got all of that with an afternoon rain shower complete with a rainbow. We have heard that rain on your wedding day is good luck. So far, it's proving true.
The toast with our best man, Chris, and Maid of Honor, Jen.
We had a great wedding followed by six amazing years of marriage.
We look forward to the next sixty years!
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