Congratulations to our friend Geoff, who graduated with his Masters degree from CSU two weekends ago. They had a great party to celebrate. Even with the cold temperatures, we all had a great time.
One of Geoff's favorite beers is Miller High Life. Lucky for Geoff, thanks to the MillerCoors joint venture, I have connections since we now brew it in Golden. We hooked Geoff up with not only the Miller High Life, but a few of our favorite brands as well to help him and his friends celebrate. 
I had no idea that all of that beer would take a front end loader to move around. You may only see this at the Hess house.
Keith and Oliver delivering the beer to it's appropriate location.

Oliver working on a chalk master piece.
Oliver dipping into the tray of Doritos. Yum!
Everyone was having a great time! Wahoo!!

Oliver taking his turn at the pinata. He wasn't quite sure what to think of this activity since we have always told him not to hit things or swing sticks to hit things. He kept looking at us for approval.
Oliver and the ladies watching the bigger kids take a swing at the pinata. The pecking order was by height, so Oliver was one of the first to take a swing.
Finally, the oldest kid broke into the pinata and there was candy for everyone. 
Later in the evening the kids decorated cupcakes. What a fun time!
Oliver working on the right mixture of sprinkles to frosting.
Carefully applying a few last touches.
Evelyn (Geoff's daughter) with her master piece.
Oliver with his work of art.
Time to Eat!
We stayed the night so that Keith could enjoy the evening with his friends and we didn't have to make the hour long drive home late at night. Oliver and I hit the hay and Keith had a great time hanging with his friends. The next day Oliver got to play a little longer with Evelyn before we left. They found some fun hats and enjoyed running around in them.

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